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What is Pension Payment Order (PPO) Number?

A PPO is an essential document issued to government and organized sector retirees. It authorizes pension disbursement and contains key details like the pension amount, payment mode, and bank account information. Generated after verifying service records and entitlements, the PPO includes personal information, retirement details, and a unique identifier. ...Read More

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Pension Payment Order and How to Check PPO Number

What is Pension Payment Order? (PPO)
February 26, 2025


What is a Pension Payment Order? (PPO)

The PPO full form is a pension payment order. It is a unique reference number that is assigned by the Employee Provident Fund Organisation  (EPFO) to every pensioner. It acts as a verification number that allows seamless pension payments and ensures simple retirement planning. The PPO contains important details like bank details, pension amount, and pension commencement date.

What is PPO Number in Pension?

The Pension Payment Order (PPO) is a unique 12 digit alphanumeric code that is assigned to every pensioner registered under the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) for the purpose of the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS). This number serves as an identification and reference for all pension-related transactions and communications. The PPO number plays a crucial role in efficiently managing and monitoring pension-related activities. It consists of the following components:

  • The first 5 digits represent the code of the PPO issuing authority, indicating the organisation responsible for issuing the PPO.
  • The next 2 digits signify the year in which the PPO was issued, providing the issuance year for easy reference.
  • The subsequent 4 digits comprise the PPO's sequential number, uniquely identifying each PPO.
  • The last digit is a check digit, which is calculated based on the preceding digits and is used for error detection to ensure the accuracy of the PPO number.

Why is Pension Payment Order (PPO) important?

Recognizing the significance of PPO is vital for retirees and pensioners alike. Several key aspects highlight the importance of this unique identifier:

  • Pension Tracking:

  • The PPO number serves as a unique reference for pensioners to efficiently track and receive their pension payments. This ensures a streamlined process and reduces the likelihood of errors in disbursement.

  • Grievance Filing:

  • In case of any issues or discrepancies in pension payments, the PPO number is a mandatory requirement for filing grievances with the Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). This ensures a systematic and transparent resolution process.

  • Life Certificate Submission:

  • To continue receiving pensions, pensioners are required to submit an annual life certificate. The PPO number is a crucial element in this process, and failure to submit the certificate can lead to the suspension of pension payments.

  • Bank Account Changes:

  • When pensioners need to change their bank accounts for pension disbursement due to the closure of the previous one, the PPO number acts as a reference to ensure a smooth transition.

Benefits of PPO Number

Let us look at a few of the benefits of the pension payment order:

Guarantees On-Time Pension Payments

A PPO number ensures that pensioners receive their pensions on time without any unnecessary delays. It streamlines the process of pension distribution and reduces the chance of administrative errors.

Official Document

A PPO number means that it is an official record that verifies a pensioner’s entitlement. It is required for all pension-related services, such as pension transfers, revisions and grievances.

Easy Pension Transfer

In case a pensioner relocates, the process of PPO transfer from one branch of the bank to another is very simple, thanks to the PPO number.

Pensioner Services Access

The PPO allows pensioners to access a variety of services, such as, accessing the UMANG app, Pramaan Portal, and using the EPFO website. They can submit their life certificates, check payment history, update their personal information, and get all pension slips.

Digital Tracking

The PPO number allows pensioners to check their pension payments digitally. Platforms like the EPFO website allow them to get real-time updates regarding due payments and disbursed amounts.

Benefits After Retirement

PPO ensures that the pensioners and their dependents continue to receive financial support post-retirement. It plays an important role in the case of pension revision, allowances and other modifications.

Resolving Pension Disputes and Issues

In case of any disputes, pensioners can use their PPO number to file grievances, request for corrections, or raise disputes with the authorities.

How Does the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) Work?

The Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) is a government-backed initiative under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation.

EPS applies to those employees who have completed at least ten years of service. Upon retirement at 58 years, these employees are then eligible to receive a pension on a monthly basis. This amount is based on their pensionable salary and tenure of service.

Employees who retire before completing ten years can withdraw the EPS balance that has been accumulated, but they will not receive a pension.

How Much Is Contributed to the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS)?

The Employee Pension Scheme is based on contributions. It involves some portion of the EPF contribution made by the employer and the employee. The breakdown is given as follows:

  • Employee Contribution:

  • 12 per cent of the employee’s dearness allowance and basic salary goes into the EPF account every month.

  • Employer Contribution:

  • Out of the 12 per cent contributed by the employer, 8.33 per cent is directed towards EPS, while 3.67 per cent goes into the EPF.

How to check PPO Status?

Step 1: Visit the official portal of the Central Pension Accounting Office.

Step 2: Once on the portal, look for the option labelled 'Pensioner' and click on it.

Step 3: Under the section specifically meant for pensioners, find and select the option for ‘PPO Status’.

Step 4: You will then be prompted to input your 12-digit PPO number along with the captcha code in the designated fields.

Step 5: After entering the required information, click on the ‘Submit’ button to view the status of your PPO.

What are the steps to check Pension Payment Order (PPO)?

Retirees enrolled in the Employee Provident Scheme can easily access their PPO numbers. However, in cases where the PPO number is lost or forgotten, the EPFO website provides a user-friendly solution. Here are the step-by-step instructions for checking the PPO:

  • Step 1:

  • Log on to EPFO Website: begin by visiting the official website of the Employee Provident Fund Organization.

  • Step 2:

  • Navigate to 'Services': Click on the 'Services' tab and select the 'For Employees' option.

  • Step 3:

  • Access Pensioners' Portal: Locate and click on the Pensioners' Portal link, available under online services.

  • Step 4:

  • Know Your PPO Number: Choose the option 'Know your PPO number' and provide either your bank account number or Employee Provident Fund (EPF) account number.

    Upon successful submission of these details, the PPO number will be displayed, ensuring that retirees have easy access to this critical piece of information.

Steps to download Pension Payment Orders (PPO) online

The Government of India has provided the DigiLocker facility for citizens to store and access their important documents. Here are the steps you need to follow to download the pension payment order online:

  • Step 1:

  • Visit the official website for DigiLocker and log in to your account.

  • Step 2:

  • Click on ‘Issues Documents’. You will be led to a new webpage.

  • Step 3:

  • From ‘Get more Issued Documents’, go to the tab labelled ‘Central Government’.

  • Step 4:

  • Click on the tab labelled ‘Employees Provident Fund Organisation’.

  • Step 5:

  • A new webpage will open on your screen. There, click on UAN and enter the number when prompted.

  • Step 6:

  • Now click on ‘Get Document’.

  • Step 7:

  • The PPO document will now be available under the tab labelled ‘Saved Documents’.

  • Step 8:

  • You can now access the document whenever required and download it from here.


Retirement is a phase of life that brings about significant changes, especially in financial aspects. Recognising the challenges associated with this transition, the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) has been incorporated into the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) to provide retirees with a financial safety net. Amidst the various elements of retirement planning, the Pension Payment Order (PPO) often stands out as a critical but potentially confusing aspect. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the significance of PPO, its structure, importance, and detailed steps for checking and downloading it. Additionally, frequently asked questions (FAQs) will be addressed to enhance the reader's understanding.

FAQs on What is PPO

Q. What is PPO full form?

PPO refers to a Pension Payment Order in its full form.

Q. What is the PPO number in EPF?

Each pensioner is assigned a unique 12-digit Pension Payment Order (PPO) number by the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

Q. How can I check my central government pension status online?

It is possible to check the status of a pension and lodge grievances using only the 12-digit PPO number, as this is the only one recognized by the CPAO – Central Pension Accounting Office database.

Q. What is contribution towards EPS?

As part of the EPS, the employer contributes 8.67% of the employee's salary, up to a maximum of Rs. 1250. This contribution accumulates over the employment period, forming the basis for pension disbursement upon retirement.

Q. Is PPO mandatory if I need to transfer my PF account from one bank branch to another?

Yes, the PPO number is mandatory for receiving the EPS pension after transferring the PF account from one bank to another. This ensures a smooth and seamless transition of pension disbursement.

Q. How does a PPO plan work?

A Pension Payment Order (PPO) is a formal document issued to a retired employee, outlining their pension amount, payment mode, and other details. It serves as an authorisation for the pension disbursing authority to credit the pension to the specified bank account. The PPO number is crucial for pension-related transactions and inquiries.

Q. What are the benefits of a PPO plan?

A Pension Payment Order (PPO) plan ensures timely and accurate pension disbursement, simplifies bank account management for pension credits, and serves as essential proof for pension-related inquiries and grievances.

Q. What is the meaning of PPO payment?

Pension Payment Order (PPO) authorised the payment of pension benefits. This document contains crucial details like the pensioner's information, pension amount, and bank account details. The PPO is essential for receiving and managing pension payments smoothly.

Q. How to check PPO?

To check your Pension Payment Order (PPO) status, visit the official website of the Central Pension Accounting Office. Look for the "Pensioner" section and find the option to check PPO status. You will need your 12 digit PPO number to proceed.






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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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