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Experiences of term insurance buyers

We spoke to some term insurance plan customers and here is what they had to say13:

Rohit Verma's term insurance buying experience speech-bubble

Rohit Verma, 31 years | Pune

I came to know about term insurance in my mid twenties when I started my professional career. Due to lack of awareness at that time I was looking to invest first and grow my wealth. 5 years down the line when I got married to struck me that even though I am investing to grow my wealth but do I have enough financial cover for my family in case of an unfortunate event and the answer was NO! Then I started my research to identify a financial product that would give an adequate life cover. The answer was pretty simple – term insurance. But I should have taken term insurance earlier.

Lisa Mathew's term insurance buying experience speech-bubble

Liza Mathews, 28 years | Mumbai

Once anyone decides to get a term insurance it can be a overwhelming process to go through the entire process of buying it. The same was the case with me. With so many options available online I got a bit confused on which option should I choose? I took a step back and followed the steps – Calculated my premium online, decided whether I needed any add-ons, evaluated the claims settlement ratio of various brands, consulted representatives of various brands and then took an informed decision. The actual process of buying once you have decided it’s that difficult. Good thing is that most of the things are online and hassle free. Now I am proud that I took a term plan for financial protection.

Sanjay Jha's term insurance buying experience speech-bubble

Sanjay Jha, 35 years | Delhi

I come from a family where money management is given a lot of importance. Thanks to the awareness I had I knew it was imperative to financially protect my future before I started investing to grow my wealth. The first thing I did when I started to earn was to get my financial future sorted with a term plan. Now a days it’s not that difficult to get a term life insurance online with so many options to choose from. At the beginning I calculated my premium for 1 crore life cover and then had to go through the usual process for the policy to get issued.

Ashish Dhade term insurance buying experience speech-bubble

Ashish Dhade, 37 years | Nagpur

For me buying term insurance proved to be a challenging task since I wasn’t conversant about financial products. Since I lacked the understanding of a term insurance, I did a lot of research online and spoke to few of my colleagues who had already bought a term insurance. In my journey to buy term insurance I understood why it was necessary to get term insurance. For me term life insurance has a crucial purpose to fulfill – financial protection. I opted for term insurance at the age of 34 and realized that I could have saved on my premiums if I would have bought it earlier.

Rohit Ghosh term insurance buying experience speech-bubble

Rohit Ghosh, 27 years | Lucknow

When I started to earn, I was inclined towards growing my wealth and started to consult others. My brother introduced me to term life insurance and explained why getting term insurance was a necessity early in life. A term insurance serves the purpose of protecting the financial future of my dependents. Once I understood the benefits of a term plan I went ahead and did some research as to which one I should opt for. There are a few things that helped me make the decision – credibility of the brand, claims settlement ratio and ease of claim settlement.

Priya Yadav speech-bubble

Priya Yadav, 34 years | Dubai

Being an NRI I wanted to get extensive financial protection for my family. Post my research online, I got to know many life insurance providers in India have started providing term insurance for NRIs at reasonable premiums along with add-on riders such as critical illness and accidental death benefit rider.  To my surprise it was a hassle-free experience of buying a term insurance plan.

Manoj Sharma speech-bubble

Manoj Sharma, 34 | Kolkata

I decided to buy term life insurance when I had my first child and realized that as the primary earner, I must secure my family's financial future. To determine the sum assured, I considered our current expenses, future goals like my child’s education, and our home loan. Once sure of the amount, I evaluated riders for critical illness and accidental death. Term insurance is vital for financial planning, so assess all factors carefully before choosing your sum assured and provider.

Steps to buy a term plan online


Evaluate Plans & Calculate Premium

Check the available plan and calculate your approximate premium online. 

...Read More


Evaluate add-on options

Enhance your cover by adding riders to your sum assured, then compare your online quotes to find the best plan for your needs.

...Read More


Fill the application form

Complete the online application form by providing the necessary details and uploading a few documents for verification. After that, our team will schedule a medical test for term life insurance.

...Read More


Submit and Pay Premiums

Submit the application and pay the premium amount.

...Read More

Key Factors That Influence Term Insurance Premiums

When purchasing a term insurance plan, several factors determine how much you’ll pay in premiums. Here’s are some major factors that influence your premium amount:



Age is one of the most critical factors affecting term insurance premiums. Younger policyholders pay lower premiums because they are considered lower risk. When comparing it with adults, the premium rates to pay might be slightly more due to health concerns.



Statistically, women have a higher life expectancy compared to men. To account for this, insurance providers calculate lower premium rates on term plans, as they are expected to remain insured for a longer duration. This pricing reflects their increased life expectancy, making women term insurance an attractive option for women.


Medical History

Your personal and family medical history are important factors in setting your premium. If you have a history of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension, your premiums may be higher. Full disclosure of your medical condition guarantees you get the best coverage.


Lifestyle Choices

High-risk lifestyle activities, such as smoking, binge drinking, or participating in extreme sports, might increase your premium. Because these activities increase health risks, insurers raise premiums to cover possible claims. Being open about your lifestyle facilitates easy claim settlements in the future.



Your work profile also influences your premium. If you work in a hazardous environment, such as mining, aviation, or offshore drilling, your insurance premium will most certainly be greater than someone in a low-risk employment.


Additional Rider Benefits

Riders are optional add-ons that boost your term insurance coverage. Benefits like accidental death coverage, premium waivers and critical illness benefits  add to your base policy while slightly increasing your premium. Choosing riders intelligently offers a well-rounded protection plan. 


Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Regular use of tobacco or alcohol is associated with serious health concerns, which is why insurers charge higher premiums for people who consume tobacco or alcohol. Declaring these habits upfront helps with getting the correct coverage while minimizing problems during claim processing.


Sum Assured (Life Cover Amount)

The sum assured, or the payout your dependents will get in the case of your death, has a direct impact on the premium. A higher sum assured results in a higher premium, so it's critical to choose an amount that offers adequate financial security for your family.


Policy Duration

The policy period of the insurance plan determines the premium amount. Longer coverage durations often result in higher overall premiums. Many policyholders prefer continuing their coverage until they are 85 years old, but the best term depends on your financial goals and commitments.


Premium Payment Mode

Term insurance plans include several payment alternatives, including single premium, limited pay option, and regular-pay. A one-time premium payment is larger initially but eliminates future payments, whereas a regular premium plan allocates expenses over time. Choosing the appropriate payment method is dependent on your financial plans.

What is a Term Insurance Calculator?

A term insurance calculator is a free online tool that helps you calculate your term insurance premium for the ideal life cover and policy benefits.  It evaluates key details such as age, gender, current income, marital status, health, and dependents to guide you in choosing a term insurance plan that matches your personal and financial objectives. Utilize HDFC Life's term plan calculator to strategically plan your term insurance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Use the Term Insurance Calculator *

1. Enter Your Name

Type your full name as it appears on official ID proofs, such as Aadhar card or PAN card.

2. Select Your Residential Status

Select "Yes" if you are a Non-Resident Indian (NRI); otherwise, select "No."

3. Select Your Gender

Choose your gender from the provided options.

4. Let us know if you consume 

Select "Yes" if you are a smoker; otherwise, choose "No."

5. Enter Your Date of Birth

Select your date of birth from the date picker.

6. Enter Your Annual Income

Choose the range that best matches your annual income.

7. Enter Your Mobile Number

Enter your mobile phone number in the provided field.

8. Enter Your Email

Provide your email address in the given field.

9. Your Term Insurance Premium

After filling out all the details in the term insurance calculator, click the 'Get Free Quote' button. This will display the calculated premium along with suitable plan options.

Step-by-Step Guide to Use the Term Insurance Calculator Step-by-Step Guide to Use the Term Insurance Calculator

How does a term insurance premium calculator work?

As mentioned in the above step-by-step guide, you need to provide the following details to calculate your term insurance premium: 

  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Income
  • Life cover

The above information about you will help the calculator evaluate the premium for your term insurance customised as per your financial protection needs. Let’s understand how term insurance calculator works with the help of an example:

Ajay, a 25-year-old man, earning 10 Lakhs per annum, wishes to secure his family’s future with a term insurance. After assessing his financial protection needs, he decides that he would need a term insurance of 1 crore.  He uses the Term Insurance Calculator by entering his male, smoking, 10 Lakh, 25 years and 1 crore respectively for gender, tobacco consumption habits, income, age and life cover. The estimated premium for Ajay’s term plan was Rs 14127 per month9 for HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Super (Life option)4 (UIN:101N145V07).

What Are the Benefits of Using a Term Insurance Calculator?

These are the benefits of using a term life insurance calculator:


Saves Time

Term insurance calculator allows you to quickly analyse different life insurance plans without calculating policy details manually. It streamlines the process and saves your time and effort so you can focus on other financial decisions.


Ease to Compare Plan Options

A term plan premium calculator enables you to compare multiple plans side by side, helping you evaluate coverage, premium costs, and policy duration to choose the one that best fits your needs.


Helps to Estimate Whether the Premium Fits Your Budget or Not

By entering your financial details and desired coverage, you can determine if the premium amount aligns with your budget and confirm that you select a plan that is both effective and affordable for your pocket.  For those seeking complete family protection can consider exploring the best term insurance plan for 1 crore to secure their loved ones financial future.


Helps to Evaluate Sum Assured Amount

The term insurance calculator India helps to evaluate the ideal sum assured based on your income, expenses, and financial obligations. This ensures that your family receives adequate financial protection in case of an unforeseen event.


Available Online for Free

Most term insurance calculators are available online at no cost and allow you to explore various insurance options from the comfort of your home without any additional expense.


Helps in Making Informed Decisions

By providing detailed insights into policy features, coverage, and premium costs, the calculator helps you make well-informed choices, minimising the risk of selecting a policy that may not fully meet your requirements. 

What happens when you don’t use a term insurance calculator?

When we don’t use a term insurance calculator we might end up choosing a term plan that doesn’t meet our financial protection needs and it’s in our budget. A term insurance calculator gives us a fairly accurate estimation of the term life cover we need along with the premium amount for the same.


Paying a higher premium

By calculating the premium amount without taking your financial protection needs into consideration you might end up paying a higher premium that doesn’t fit your budget.

...Read More


Inadequate life cover

By only considering the premium amount while buying a term insurance you might end up getting a life cover which is inadequate as per your financial needs.

...Read More

At what age should I opt for Term Plan?

By getting term insurance early in your life, you not only financially protect your loved ones but also are able to keep the premiums low. Additionally, you can enjoy income tax benefits on the premiums paid. Take a proactive step today—review the table below to understand how premiums increase with age and make the smart decision to invest in term insurance now.

Age (years)

Policy Term (years)

Monthly Premium (Rs.)

Monthly Premium with Critical illness rider (Rs.)

Monthly Premium with Return of premium option (Rs.)

















Impact of smoking on term insurance premiums

Smoking is a major factor that affects your life insurance premiums. It also raises the risk of health issues such as throat cancer, lung disease, and heart conditions. Hence smokers are considered high-risk individuals by insurers. Even occasional smoking is considered "smoker" when applying for insurance, which impacts premiums. Insurance companies verify this through medical history checks and nicotine testing.

If you have used tobacco—cigarettes within the last 12 months before purchasing a Term Insurance Plan, you will be categorized as a smoker. This means you will have to pay a higher premium for the same coverage that a non-smoker would gets at a lower cost. Quitting smoking and maintaining a tobacco-free record might help you lower your rates since insurers may review risk over time.

How much term insurance cover do I need?

When using our term insurance calculator, we'll ask for a few key details to help estimate your premium based on your desired coverage and to determine how much term insurance do I need. You'll need to provide your:


Annual income

...Read More


Anticipated years of working

...Read More


Personal expenses

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Estimated annual increase in income

...Read More

Additionally, we'll consider factors such as your age, gender, date of birth, the type of term insurance you prefer, the duration of the policy, and the amount of coverage you want. We also take into account lifestyle factors, such as whether you smoke, and other personal habits that may impact your premium.

By filling in these details, you'll receive an accurate estimated tailored term insurance plan to your needs and circumstances.

Term Insurance Plans in India by HDFC Life

Here are the term insurance plans offered by HDFC Life: 

Term Insurance Plans

Customer profile

Sum assured

Premium amount9

HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Super (Life option)  (UIN:101N145V07)

For all between 18-65 years

1 Crore


HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Elite Plus13 (UIN:101N182V01)

Salaried segment

2 Crore


HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life (UIN – 101N139V06)

Salaried segment

1 Crore

RS. 119117

HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Ultimate (UIN: 101N179V01)

Annual income >Rs.10 Lakhs

2 Crore


HDFC Life Sanchay Legacy (Life option)


Mature HNI segment

1.2 Crore


Add-On Options Available

The add-ons are among the term plan benefits that help customise your plans. The options are:

Financial security with Term Insurance

Protect Your Spouse (Joint Life Cover)

Protect your spouse provides the death benefit to the surviving spouse to take manage the expenses. Either of the spouses will be financially independent in case of an eventuality. Joint life coverage for spouses is provided under the plan.

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Policy period and sum assured

Return of Premium

Generally, term plans do not provide maturity benefits. The policy terminates on the maturity date. However, if you include the return of the premium rider, the premiums paid are reimbursed if you survive the policy term.

...Read More

Medical history impacts Savings Investment Plan Premium

Accident Cover

The accidental death cover provides an additional payout along with the base sum assured if the policyholder dies in an accident. Self-inflicted injuries, death when under the influence of drugs or alcohol, suicide, etc., are not covered under this rider.

...Read More

Which Payout Option is Right For Me?

Before choosing the right payout option, assess your current lifestyle and your family’s needs. The payout option should be such that they can manage their needs efficiently in your absence. The payout options available are:


Monthly Income

Those who intend to protect their families from the burden of outstanding liabilities and monthly expenses should consider the monthly income option. The death benefit is paid out in instalments for a period chosen during the policy purchase.


Increasing Monthly Income

When the monthly income payout is the same throughout, it may be difficult for the family to manage the expenses as it does not beat the inflation. The increasing monthly income option is ideal for those who intend to keep their family financially comfortable now and in the future. The monthly income rises by 10% every year for 10 years.



Individuals who have availed of big-ticket loans such as home loans should go for this option. The lump sum payout immediately helps the policyholder's family pay off the outstanding debt. The remaining can be invested in assets that reap high yields. The return on investment will help them fulfil financial goals such as children’s education abroad, marriage, etc.


Lump-sum + Monthly Income

A steady income to substitute the financial contribution of the policyholder and a lump sum to clear the outstanding liabilities is a great combination to keep the insured’s family financially stable. The payout will be divided into lump sum and monthly instalments. The first payout will be in lump sum and the remaining will be in monthly instalments for a predefined duration i.e., 10, 20, or 30 years.

Claim Settlement Process

The claim settlement process entails the following steps:


Report Claim

Reporting the claim is the first step. You can do it either by visiting the insurance company online through their website or by sending an SMS or Email to the insurance company’s customer care helpline.

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The insurance company’s claim care team will process the claim and contact you if they need any additional information or documents.

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The company settled the claim on receiving all the documents and required information.

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Claim Settlement Process Claim Settlement Process

Important Documents Needed to Submit a Claim

The documents to be submitted for filing a claim are:


Claim form duly filled and signed

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Insurance Policy details

...Read More


Death Certificate

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Nominee’s Identity and address proof

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If a nominee is not assigned, legal title proof

...Read More


Cause of death certificate

...Read More


Medical records

...Read More


NEFT Mandate

...Read More


PAN Card

...Read More


A cancelled cheque

...Read More

FAQs on Term Insurance Calculator

1 What is term insurance?

Term insurance is a form of life insurance that protects your family at affordable costs. The policy offers an adequate life cover at a relatively low premium. The beneficiary of the policy is provided with the payout in case of the death of the policyholder. 

2 How to use the term insurance premium calculator?

A term insurance calculator is an easy-to-use tool that will give you premium quotes in less than 10 minutes. You need to enter your personal details such as date of birth, gender, marital status, annual income, and so on. It is important to specify the sum assured you want over a period of time and how you want the beneficiary to be paid: one-time lump sum, monthly payments, or both.

After these steps, you need to fill the estimated annual increase in the income. That’s it! The calculator will give you options for term insurance plans based on the information you have provided. This will help you compare and choose the policy that suits you best. You can change the recommended sum assured and choose as per your financial requirement, for example you can opt for 2 crore term insurance if the recommended sum assured of 1 crore isn’t adequate for you.   

3 When should I buy a term plan?

While you can buy a term insurance plan at any age between 18 and 65 years, there are several advantages of purchasing one early on in life. Get one in your 20s when you are fitter and have no or fewer health-related complications. Your premium charges will be affordable as you fall in the low-risk category.

In addition to this, term insurance plans offer flexibility and secure dependents of the policyholder at an early stage as well as multiple tax benefits.

4 How does your age affect your premium calculation?

The term insurance premium increases with the age of the policyholder. This is because a young individual has a lower risk of falling ill. Hence, it is recommended that young individuals buy term insurance plans to reap maximum benefits.

5 Why does occupation impact term insurance premium calculation?

While your occupation is not a major factor while calculating the premium, it can still have an impact on how much you pay. The reason is simple: A few professions involve high risks. For instance, a construction worker is at a higher risk of loss of life as compared to someone who has a desk job. Keeping this in mind the premium charged could be higher. 

6 What factors determine your term plan premium?

Age, health condition, gender, smoking habits, occupation, lifestyle, chosen sum assured, and premium payment tenure are the top factors that influence how much premium you may need to pay. 

7 What is the impact of premium calculation on smokers?

Smokers are more susceptible to diseases like cancer and heart ailments as compared to non-smokers. The chances of developing diseases are higher in the case of men than women. Hence, the term insurance premium for smokers is higher. It is recommended that you ask the insurer if your current lifestyle will lead to an increase in term insurance premiums.

8 What kind of death benefits are covered in this plan?

While different companies have different clauses under death benefits, some of them include death due to a medical condition, natural death, or accidental death. Accidental death might be due to motor vehicles, an accident in a factory, an accident from falling from a roof, drowning, death from electric shock, or an earthquake.

9 What is the premium amount of 1 Crore term insurance?

The premium amount of 1 Crore term insurance in India varies based on the age and health condition of the person seeking the policy. Generally, the premium for a 1 Crore term insurance policy ranges from Rs 5,000 to Rs 20,000 per year, depending on the insurer and the other terms and conditions of the policy. Factors such as smoking habits, pre-existing medical conditions, and the inclusion of riders for additional coverage can also influence the premium amount.


The premium amount also varies based on the type of policy; single premium policies tend to be more expensive than regular premium policies. Factors such as the term length, additional riders, and other benefits also affect the premium amount.


Consulting with a financial advisor or using online insurance premium calculators can help individuals determine the approximate premium for a Rs 1 crore term insurance policy based on their personal circumstances. It is also important to compare the different policies offered by different insurers to ensure that you get the best coverage at the right premium.

10 How much term insurance should we take?

The amount of term insurance you should take depends on your particular financial needs. Generally, it is recommended that Indians purchase a term life insurance policy that is 10-12 times their annual income. This will provide adequate financial protection for your family in the event of your death. It is important to consider factors such as your current lifestyle, your debts, any dependents you may have, and your financial goals when deciding how much term insurance to take. For example, if you are a working couple with young children, you may need to purchase more term insurance to ensure your family's financial security. Additionally, it is important to review your term insurance policy periodically to make sure that the coverage is still sufficient to meet your needs.

11 Can we pay the premium of term insurance on a monthly basis?

Yes, you can pay the premium of a term insurance policy on a monthly basis. In India, the monthly payment of term insurance premiums is also known as the 'Monthly Income Plan'. It allows you to pay the premium in monthly instalments and provides the same death benefit as a regular term insurance policy. This option is beneficial for those who do not have the lump sum funds required for paying the annual premium of a term insurance policy. Monthly premium payment also helps you to manage your finances easily, as you need to pay only a small amount each month.

12 What is the best age to buy term insurance?

The best age to buy term plan in India is typically between 18 and 65 years. This is because term insurance premiums are determined according to the age of the policyholder, and the younger the policyholder, the lower the premiums. Moreover, the earlier you buy term insurance, the longer you will be able to benefit from the coverage. By buying term insurance at an early age, you can ensure that you are covered in case of death or disability and that your family will be taken care of financially. Additionally, if you buy term insurance at an early age, you can benefit from the tax deductions that are available on premiums paid.


However, it's never too late to get term insurance, and the need for coverage can vary based on individual circumstances. 

13 Do we get full amount in case of term insurance?

Yes, in case of term insurance, the full amount is payable to the beneficiary in case the insured individual dies during the policy term. In India, term insurance is a form of life insurance wherein the policyholder pays a fixed premium for a predetermined period of time and the insurer pays the full sum as assured in case of the policyholder's death during the policy term. The policyholder can also choose to add riders to the policy for additional benefits. Riders such as accidental death benefits, critical illness benefits, waiver of premium, etc. can help provide additional protection to the policyholder. Term insurance is a cost-effective way of providing financial security to the policyholder's family. It is also an important part of financial planning and helps ensure that the policyholder's family is provided for in case of any unforeseen circumstances.


It's important for individuals to carefully review the terms and conditions of their specific policy to understand the coverage details, including any exclusions or conditions that may apply.

14 What is 100% return of premium life insurance?

100% return of premium life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that offers a full refund of the premiums paid if the policyholder survives the policy's term. In India, these policies are among the most popular life insurance policies available. They are usually sold on a term basis, meaning that the policyholder will receive the full premium back if they survive the policy's term, but the policy will not provide any other benefit if the policyholder dies within the term. These policies can be a great option for those looking for a way to protect their family and provide financial security in the event of their death while also ensuring that they will receive a return of their premiums if they outlive the policy's term.

15 How much term insurance premium is tax-free?

In India, the premium paid for term insurance policies is tax-free under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This means that any amount up to a maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh that is paid towards term insurance is eligible for deduction under Section 80C. This deduction can be claimed by the policyholder, whether they are a salaried individual or a self-employed individual. Additionally, the entire sum assured is paid out to the nominee of the policyholder in case of the death of the policyholder during the term of the policy. Hence, term insurance offers a tax-efficient way to provide financial security to the policyholder's family.

16 What is 20-year term insurance?

20-year term insurance is a type of life insurance policy that covers an individual for a period of 20 years, with the option to renew the policy at the end of the term. The policyholder will receive a lump sum payment from the insurer should they pass away during the 20-year period.


The 20-year term insurance is becoming increasingly popular in India, as it provides financial security to the family of the policyholder in the event of their death. This type of policy is also more cost-effective than traditional life insurance policies. The policyholder can select the amount of coverage they require, and premiums can be paid on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. It is important to remember that the policy will terminate at the end of the 20-year period and will not have any benefit beyond that.

17 Is 50 lakh term insurance enough?

It depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Rs 50 lakh is a considerable sum of money, and whether it is enough for you will depend on the lifestyle you lead and the kind of financial goals you have. If you are a single person with no dependents and no major financial goals, a Rs 50 lakh term insurance policy might be enough for you. However, if you have a family to support or any major financial goals like outstanding debts, mortgage payments, children's education expenses, and other living expenses, you might need a higher coverage amount. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how much coverage you need for your individual and family needs. It is also important to note that term insurance policies in India are relatively inexpensive, so even if you do need more coverage, you can easily get a policy that meets your needs without breaking the bank.

18 What is the premium of 50 lakh term insurance?

The premium of a Rs 50 lakh term insurance plan depends on a variety of factors such as the customer's age, health, occupation, and lifestyle. Generally speaking, the younger and healthier the customer, the lower the premium. For example, a 30-year-old male non-smoker in good health would pay a significantly lower premium than a 50-year-old male smoker with existing health issues. As a general rule of thumb, customers should expect to pay around 10-15% of the sum assured as their annual premium for a Rs 50 lakh term insurance plan. Additionally, the premium amount may vary from insurer to insurer, so it's important to compare different policies and find the one that best suits your needs.

19 Who is eligible for term insurance?

In India, term insurance is available to individuals who are aged between 18 and 65 years old. The insurance policy can be taken for a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 40 years. The amount of coverage available depends on the insurer but typically ranges from Rs 25 lakh to Rs 50 crore. The premiums for term insurance plans vary based on the age and health of the individual. Generally, younger individuals and those with good health pay lower premiums. The term insurance plan can be taken as an individual or joint policy. The policyholder can avail of tax benefits on the premiums paid for the policy. The policyholder can choose to pay the premium annually, half-yearly, or quarterly. The policyholder can also opt for additional riders such as accidental death rider, critical illness rider, waiver of premium rider, etc. for added protection. Term insurance plans are an affordable and effective way to provide financial security to the policyholder and his/her family in the event of an untimely death.

20 Can I purchase a Term Plan when I already have a Life Insurance Plan?

Yes, you can purchase a term plan while you already have a life insurance plan. It is possible to opt for multiple life insurance policies at the same time. Some individuals choose a Term Life Insurance policy to meet short-term needs, while some opt for a permanent Life Insurance policy to provide lifelong coverage or accumulate cash value. 

21 What are the main factors that affect my Term Insurance premium calculation?

The main factors that affect my Term Insurance premium calculation include life expectancy, age, additional features and benefits, occupation, health condition, smoking habits, lifestyle habits, tenure of plan, medical history of family, BMI, and riders. The insurance company conducts the premium calculation considering such factors.

22 Who is eligible to purchase a term plan?

Purchasing a term plan simply means meeting the desired eligibility criteria. Individuals eligible for purchasing a term plan include parents, young professionals, women, newly married couples, taxpayers, senior citizens, self-employed, housewives, home buyers, NRIs, investors, etc.

23 How does my occupation impact my Term Insurance premium?

The impact occupation has on your term insurance premium is quite simple. The higher the risk associated with your occupation, the higher your premium amount will be. Thus, an individual involved in a high-risk profession will have to bear a much higher premium amount than an individual involved in a low-risk profession, even though factors such as age, income, and medical history are the same.

24 What is the meaning of the limited pay option?

A limited pay option allows you to make recurring payments for a predetermined period. This tenure is, however, less than the policy term. However, the life coverage remains the same throughout the tenure. Hence, if you have adequate funds, paying off premiums becomes easier. Here, the premium instalments are much more than regular pay term insurance.

25 Which payout choice is convenient to choose?

The most convenient payout choice depends on several factors, such as transaction fees, processing time, and others. Select the option that allows you to balance cost and gain easy access, considering your needs and preferences. Alongside this, also look into its withdrawal limits and associated fees.

26 What are the primary benefits of a term insurance premium calculator?

A term insurance premium calculator is an online tool that provides an estimation of the premium amount for a term insurance plan. The primary benefits of a term insurance premium calculator are the following:

  • Quick and Convenient
  • Assists in Better Financial Planning
  • Accurate and Error-free Calculation
  • Free and Cost-effective

27 Is it safe to purchase a term plan online?

Yes, it is safe to buy a term insurance plan online. Many reputable and well-known insurance companies use secured payment gateways and encryption technology to protect your financial information while conducting online transactions. 

28 How is a term insurance plan distinguishable from other life insurance plans?

A term insurance plan offers comprehensive life coverage for a fixed duration at low premiums and provides a lump sum payment to nominees during a policyholder's sudden demise. Unlike other life insurance plans, a term life insurance plan doesn't consider maturity benefits or other investment components, thereby making it an affordable choice for achieving financial protection. 

29 Why should I purchase a term plan?

Purchasing a term plan ensures financial security for your family members during your absence. It provides comprehensive coverage at an affordable premium, enabling it to cover liabilities such as daily expenses, loans, and future objectives. Alongside this, it provides peace of mind, ensuring financial stability for your loved ones even after your demise.

30 Is it necessary to buy term insurance even if I am covered under my company’s group policy?

Yes, it is mandatory to purchase term insurance even if you are covered under the company's group policy. This is because the group policy of a company is eliminated once you leave the job. Moreover, the coverage amount your company provides might not be adequate for meeting the financial needs of your family. Choosing a personal term plan provides continuous and adequate financial protection.

31 How do I get a term plan online?

You can get a term plan online by visiting the respective website of the insurer, making a thorough comparison of plans, filling out the application form, submitting relevant documents, and completing a medical test, if required. Online purchase of term plans provides convenience and access to policy details at reasonably better prices. 

32 How to select the best term plan for myself?

Choosing the best and right-term plan for yourself is a safe and simple procedure. Select a term plan considering your income, financial liabilities, and future family expenses. Make a thorough comparison between insurers based on their premium affordability, claim settlement ratio, comprehensive coverage options, flexibility, and riders. Make sure the assured sum is sufficient to secure the financial future of dependents.

33 What are the benefits of purchasing a term insurance policy online?

Purchasing a term insurance policy online is a simple and convenient process. It helps in easy comparisons, maintaining transparency in policy terms, issuance of quick policies, and a hassle-free documentation procedure. You can also avail yourself of discounts and better premium rates in comparison with the offline purchasing policy.

34 What is the maximum cover I can get without going for physical medicals?

The maximum coverage amount you can get without opting for physical medical varies from one insurer to another and considers factors such as age, health, and lifestyle.

35 How is Terminal Illness benefit different from Critical Illness benefit? Is it included in the essential benefit or an add-on?

With terminal illness benefits, you expect to receive a payout if the policyholder is diagnosed with a fatal illness with limited life expectancy. Critical illness benefits are provided to individuals suffering from severe illnesses that require long-term treatment. Terminal illness, in usual cases, is included under basic benefits, while critical illness is an additional benefit coverage.

36 What are the various benefits of using a term insurance calculator?

A term insurance calculator helps estimate the coverage amount, considering your income, expenses, and liabilities. This online tool also enables easy comparisons between premium payments, helps with budget planning, and ensures informed decision-making by choosing the right term plan that meets your desired financial goals and objectives.

37 Can I get a return of premium for Critical Illness Benefit and Accidental Death Benefit?

Return of premium usually provides a return of premiums paid towards the end of the policy term if the policyholder survives. Typically, you do not get any return of premium for critical illness benefits and accidental death benefits. This is because these are optional add-ons that a policyholder receives separately and not as a significant part of the policy's return or premium feature. 

38 Can I get a return of premium if I have already claimed Critical Illness Benefit in the past?

If you have already claimed critical illness benefits in the past, you are then not eligible for receiving a return of premium. The return of premium benefit applies only to those who have made no claims under the policy during the tenure. 

39 What conditions are needed to be fulfilled for availing 200% Premium Refund?

For availing a 200% premium refund, it is necessary for the policyholder to choose the Return of Premium (ROP) option, survive the entire policy term, and ensure that all premiums are paid out on due time. Moreover, the chosen policy should be active without any lapses. The refund can be claimed only for the term plans eligible for the same. 

40 What are the payout options available under our Term Plan?

The term plan provides several payout options, including a lump sum payment, a monthly income option, a fixed monthly income, and a combination of lump sum and monthly income. All these payout options enable policyholders to customise the financial security provided to their beneficiaries after their sudden demise. 

41 What is a lump-sum payout and who should choose it?

A lump-sum payout denotes the entire sum amount assured to the nominee at once after the sudden demise of the policyholder. Individuals holding large financial liabilities benefit from lump-sum payout. The financial liabilities include loans or dependents who require urgent funds for meeting immediate expenses such as purchasing a house, educational expenses, and making business investments. 

42 What is a monthly income plan and who should choose it?

A monthly income plan provides a lump sum amount on a monthly basis. Under this plan, the nominee is provided a fixed monthly income and not a lump sum amount. This plan is ideal for families in need of a steady income replacement, thereby helping them manage regular expenses such as rent, household costs and educational expenses of children without financial strain. 

43 What is an increasing monthly income plan and who should choose it?

An increasingly monthly income plan offers a monthly payout that continues to grow annually at a fixed percentage. This option is suitable for nominees who are concerned about inflation, ensuring to receive continuous financial assistance over time to meet the rising costs of living and maintain a desired standard of living over time. 

44 What is a lump-sum + monthly income option and who should choose it?

This is a combination of a partial sum assured on an immediate basis while the rest of the amount is distributed as monthly income. This plan is ideal for families who need immediate funds to meet major expenses and also a steady income to meet ongoing financial expenses, thereby balancing both short-term and long-term needs.

45 Can the nominee be changed after I have purchased the policy?

Yes, you can change the nominee after purchasing the policy. However, policyholders should submit a request along with other relevant documents to the insurer. This thereby ensures flexibility for updating the details of the nominee during major life events such as childbirth, marriage, or changing financial dependents. 

46 What details of the nominee are required to purchase this plan online?

To let a nominee purchase plans online, details such as full name, relationship with the policyholder, age, date of birth, and contact information are essential. There are also some insurers requesting identity proof and other bank details to carry out a seamless claiming process in the future.

47 What information should my nominee know?

It is crucial to keep the nominee aware of policy details, including the sum assured, insurer contact details, chosen payout option, and claim process. The nominee should also remain aware of where the policy documents are stored and gain a deep understanding of rights to ensure a smooth claim settlement process as and when needed. 

48 What will happen if my nominee passes away before me?

If your nominee passes away before you, the nominal facility gets cancelled, and you become eligible to nominate a new individual. If you fail to complete the same, the death benefits are further passed to the legal heirs of the nominee. In other words, with the sudden death of the nominee before the policyholder, you are liable to change further nomination details of the policy.

49 Can I add more than one nominee? How can I allocate a percentage share to each nominee?

Yes, it is possible to add more than one nominee. However, when filling out the nomination details, it is crucial to mention the percentage share for each nominee. The total allocation should sum up to 100%. If you do not assign percentages, the benefitted amount will be distributed equally among the respective nominee holders. 

50 What is the application process to buy this plan?

To purchase a plan, you must visit the insurer's website or the branch's website. You can also buy online. After this, choose the desired policy and complete the application form with all relevant details. Provide documents and undergo verification before you complete the payment process. Once you complete the processing, you will receive a confirmation message through mail, along with policy details. 

51 Can I fill out this application form on my mobile phone?

Yes, you can complete the application form on your mobile phone. Most insurers provide mobile-friendly websites or apps to provide a seamless experience. However, make sure there is a steady internet connection and all relevant documents are ready for uploading. Follow the detailed information presented on the screen to complete the form and accordingly submit it. 

52 What documents are required for buying a policy online?

Submitting relevant documents to your insurance provider is essential for smooth policy purchasing online. These documents include income proof, address proof, medical reports, identity proof, and passport-sized photographs. Additionally, purchase a life insurance plan that understands your requirements so that you end up buying the right policy for you and your family. 

53 What all income can I club in the income field in the application form?

In the application form, you can include rental income, salary, interest, business earnings, incentives, and other recurring sources of revenue. Some applications even include the spouse's income or significant contributions of other dependents. However, ensure that all income sources are easily verified by following an appropriate documentation process. 

54 Which address has to be mentioned in the application form?

In the application form, you must mention your present residential address as mentioned in your official document. If the address is different, you might also need to provide a permanent one. Make sure the address matches accurately with the submitted proof, such as Aadhaar, passport, and to avoid discrepancies in the verification process. 

55 How can I check the status of my application?

You can check the status of your application by visiting the official website, customer service helpline, and mobile app. Some insurance providers also contact through SMS or email. Make sure to keep your application reference number handy for quick tracking and regular status updates. 

56 How can I cancel my application?

You can choose both online and offline methods to cancel your application. You must submit a written request with all detailed application information. Policies relating to cancellation of applications vary from one insurer to another, and fees also vary depending on the stage of the application. 

57 What is the Married Women's Property (MWP) Act and who is it useful for?

A Married Women's Property (MWP) Act safeguards the financial interest of a woman, ensuring that the insurance is applicable only to her and her children. This Act is an ideal choice for businessmen, salaried professionals, and individuals looking for financial security for their spouses and financial dependents. 

58 Who all can be added as a beneficiary under the MWP Act?

Under the MWP Act, a married man is eligible to allocate his wife, children, or both as beneficiaries. The policy proceeds are protected legally and cannot be claimed further by any members of the family, ensuring the maintenance of financial security and providing financial assistance to dependents. 

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HDFC life


Reviewed by Life Insurance Experts


We at HDFC Life are committed to offer innovative products and services that enable individuals live a ‘Life of Pride’. For over two decades we have been providing life insurance solutions - protection, pension, savings, investment, annuity and health.

1. The above are based on the current Income-tax law . Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.

2. Subject to conditions mentioned u/s 80C of the Income tax Act, 1961. The customer is requested to seek tax advice from his Chartered Accountant or personal tax advisor with respect to his personal tax liabilities under the Income-tax law.

3. The premium amount is exclusive of taxes & levies.

4. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Super (UIN: 101N145V07) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product

5. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Elite (UIN:101N176V02) A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium Life Insurance Plan

6. HDFC Life Sanchay Legacy (UIN:101N177V04) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

7. The premium price is subject to change based on variations in customer profile, policy term, premium payment term, and selected death benefits.

9. The premium amount is exclusive of taxes & levies.

This interactive does not constitute an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any transaction. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited or any of its affiliates/ group companies shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information reported by the interactive.

The information being provided through this interactive is provided for your assistance/ information only and is not intended to be and must not alone be taken as the basis for an investment decision (“Information”). The recipient/ user assume the entire risk of any use made of this Information. Each recipient /user of this interactive should make such investigation as it deems necessary to arrive at an independent decision while making an investment and should consult his own advisors to determine the merits and risks of such investment. The investment discussed or views expressed may not be suitable for all investors. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited and its affiliates, group companies, sales staff, financial consultants, officers, directors, and employees may have potential conflict of interest with respect to any recommendation, related information or opinions.

This Information should not be reproduced or redistributed or passed on directly or indirectly in any form to any other person or published, copied, in whole or in part, for any purpose. This Information is not directed or intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction, where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law, regulation or which would subject HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited and its affiliates/ group companies to any registration or licensing requirements within such jurisdiction. The distribution of this Information in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law, and persons in whose possession this Information comes, should inform themselves about and observe, any such restrictions. The Information given in this interactive is as of the date of this report and there can be no assurance that future results or events will be consistent with this Information. This Information is subject to change without any prior notice. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to make modifications and alterations to this statement as may be required from time to time. However, HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited is under no obligation to update or keep the Information current.

Neither HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited nor any of its affiliates, group companies, directors, employees, sales staff, financial consultants or representatives shall be liable for any damages whether direct, indirect, special or consequential including health, physical well being, lost revenue or lost profits that may arise from or in connection with the use of the Information. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

**7% online discount available on 1st year premium only!

##Individual death claim settlement ratio by number of policies as per audited annual statistics for FY 2023-24.

^ Available under Life & Life Plus plan options

***Online Premium for Life Option, Male Life Assured, Non-Smoker, 20 years of age, Policy term of 25 years, Regular pay, Annual frequency, exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable. (Annualized Premium of 622/30=20.7).

~Tax benefits of ₹ 54,600 (₹ 46,800 u/s 80C & ₹ 7,800 u/s 80D) is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 30% on life insurance premium u/s 80C of ₹ 1,50,000 and health premium (Critical illness rider) u/s 80D of ₹ 25,000. Tax benefits are subject to conditions under section 80C, 80D, 10(10D) as per Income Tax Act, 1961. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.

*Online Premium for Life Option, Male Life Assured, Non-Smoker, 20 years of age, Policy term of 40 years, Regular pay, Monthly frequency, exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable.

10. Buying policy online since there is no agent involved, there is no commission to be paid.

11. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Ultimate(UIN: 101N179V01) A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/Savings Life Insurance Plan. The policy must be in force on the date of death, with all premiums fully paid, except for the exclusion clauses mentioned in Part F of the policy document.

12. HDFC Life Health Plus Rider – Non Linked (UIN No: 101B031V02) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating/ Participating, Pure risk premium, Individual Health rider.

#Applicable to all in force policies of HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Elite Plus after a waiting period of 1 year, with a base sum assured of INR 2 Crore or more. Claim payout to be restricted to 5 lakhs. Rest of the claim amount will be released after completion of investigation. T&C apply.  

13. The views and opinions expressed in the article are solely of the individual and customer should consult their own financial advisor for any financial matter

14. The above premium rates are for a non-smoker healthy male, age is 25, Policy Term 20 year & Premium Paying Term is 20 year. inclusive of 5% online discount (applicable only for 1st year premium) and exclusive of taxes & levies as applicable. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Super (UIN: 101N145V07) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product

15. The above premium rates are for a non-smoker healthy male, age is 25, Policy Term 20 year & Premium Paying Term is 20 year. inclusive of 5% online discount (applicable only for 1st year premium) and exclusive of taxes & levies as applicable. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Ultimate(UIN: 101N179V01) A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/Savings Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product

16. The above premium rates are for a non-smoker healthy male, age is 25, Policy Term 20 year & Premium Paying Term is 15 year. inclusive of 5% online discount (applicable only for 1st year premium) and exclusive of taxes & levies as applicable  HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Elite Plus (UIN:101N182V01) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan. Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

17. The above premium rates are for a non-smoker healthy male, age is 25, Policy Term 20 year & Premium Paying Term is 20 year. inclusive of 5% online discount (applicable only for 1st year premium) and exclusive of taxes & levies as applicable. HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life (UIN – 101N139V06) A Non Linked, Non Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/Savings Life Insurance Plan Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

18. The above premium rates are for a non-smoker healthy male, age is 40, Policy Term 15 year & Premium Paying Term is 15 year. inclusive of 5% online discount (applicable only for 1st year premium) and exclusive of taxes & levies as applicable. HDFC Life Sanchay Legacy (UIN:101N177V04) is a Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual, Pure Risk Premium/ Savings Life Insurance Plan.Life Insurance Coverage is available in this product.

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