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Boost your Immunity and Prevent Cancer through Yoga

October 23, 2018 1531

Cancer has been a dreaded disease that has haunted mankind for centuries now. Earlier considered to be totally fatal without any chance of survival or recovery, cancer continues to plague human society even though medical facilities for diagnosis and treatment are available today. The treatment process itself is dreary, long and complicated and the therapies like radiation and chemotherapy are toxic for the body and mind of the patient. Besides being cumbersome, cancer treatment makes a big dent in the family's savings and takes a heavy toll on the financial health of the patient's family.

This is where the ancient knowledge of yoga comes to the rescue. Proven research facts suggest that yoga is one of the most beneficial boons to humanity and regular practice of yoga leads to a complete overhaul, not just for the body but for the mind as well. Yoga is a complete wellness guide to complete health and has been proven to make the body immune to a host of diseases, including cancer. Cancer is caused due to malignant cells and the resultant tumor-cell growth of the infected tissue. What yogic exercises do is that they make the body cells strong from within and regularize antibody growth for increased immunity. Here are some proven benefits of yoga against cancer:

  1. Yoga strengthens immune system:

    By regulating the antigen production and de-stressing the body cells from within, yoga leads to a boost in the body's natural immunity and thus increases the resistance to diseases, including cancer. The powerhouse of the cell - the mitochondria are strengthened and revitalized, thus imparting vigor to the cells and tissues internally.
  2. Yoga detoxifies the body:

    Detoxification is the vital metabolic process by which dead cells and toxins (the flu virus, a rogue cancer cell, or another pathogen) are excreted from the body. Yoga is the muscle of the lymphatic system-the body's plumbing and trash-removal system. Similar to how the heart muscle circulates blood, yoga increases lymphatic flow with specific breathing and movement practices. Inversions, a fundamental part of a strong yoga practice, utilize movement and body positioning to reverse the effects of gravity on our body, enhancing the process of cardiovascular and lymphatic drainage.
  3. Yoga reduces stress:

    Chronic stress is one of the main reasons of cancer and the unhealthy lifestyle choices add to that. Yoga allows us to live "mindfully" i.e. with conscious awareness. This cleanses our mind and imparts positivity to our thoughts. This leads to a healthy perspective towards life and reduces stress extensively.
  4. Yoga helps in weight loss and management:

    Obesity is also one of the most important causes of cancer and its recurrence. Yogic exercises burn the fat and impart flexibility to the body, thereby increasing the blood flow symmetrically and strengthening the core muscles of the body from within.
  5. Yoga imparts strength to the bones:

    Bones house bone marrow - where red blood cells and white blood cells are constantly produced. For overall immunity, strong bones are very important and the balancing, turning and twisting yogic exercises help in this.

As an important step, it is important to stay financially well prepared at all times against all eventualities. HDFC Life presents HDFC Life Cancer Care in India- a cancer specific plan that is aimed at providing financial strength to you and your loved ones in case of any cancer-related contingency. For further details, please click on the mentioned link:


Francis Rodrigues
Written By:
Vishal Subharwal
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