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In this policy, the investment risk in investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder. ...Read More

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Why HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus?

A Unit Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan for your financial protection needs

Why HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus
  • Choose from 10 funds to optimize your investment returns

  • Customize your premium payment options – Single, Limited or Regular

  • Choose from 5 convenient Benefit options to customize your payouts

  • Get Loyalty Additions3 of up to 1.8% of the average fund value after 10th policy year onwards

  • Reduced premium allocation charge on investing higher premium amount1

  • Avail Tax Benefit as per Income Tax Act, 19612


  • Choose from 10 funds to optimize your investment returns

  • Customize your premium payment options – Single, Limited or Regular

  • Choose from 5 convenient Benefit options to customize your payouts

  • Get Loyalty Additions3 of up to 1.8% of the average fund value after 10th policy year onwards

  • Reduced premium allocation charge on investing higher premium amount1

  • Avail Tax Benefit as per Income Tax Act, 19612


Why HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus
  1. Available for premium of ₹ 1 lakh & above for limited & regular premium payment options and ₹ 10 lakh & above for single premium payment option
  2. As per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws
  3. Loyalty addtions for Single premiums policies shall be payable at the end of every policy year from year 10 to 14 (both inclusive). For limited and regular premium payment policies, loyalty Additions will be added to the fund value every alternate year starting from the end of 11th policy year.
  1. Available for premium of ₹ 1 lakh & above for limited & regular premium payment options and ₹ 10 lakh & above for single premium payment option
  2. As per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws
  3. Loyalty addtions for Single premiums policies shall be payable at the end of every policy year from year 10 to 14 (both inclusive). For limited and regular premium payment policies, loyalty Additions will be added to the fund value every alternate year starting from the end of 11th policy year.

What makes this plan a must-have

You have the flexibility to choose your options and benefits.

Select your core objective for the insurance cover and view the benefits

  • Classic Benefit (Life Option)
  • Classic Benefit (Extra Life Option)
  • Classic Plus Benefit Option
  • Classic Waiver Benefit Option
  • Classic Waiver Plus Benefit

Classic Benefit

(Complete death and maturity benefits)

Check Eligibility Criteria

Before buying HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus


Eligibility Criteria  Plan Options  Minimum  Maximum (5 pay)  Maximum 

(Other than 5 pay) 


Classic (Life) Option 

 0 years (30 days)1

56 years

65 years


18 years 

85 years

85 years


Classic (Extra Life) Option 

18 years 

53 years 

58 years 


28 years 

63 years 

68 years 


Classic Plus Option 

0 years (30 days)1

48 years 

50 years 


18 years 

58 years 

60 years 


Classic Waiver Option 

18 years 

49 years

52 years


28 years 

69 years

85 years


Classic Waiver plus Option 

18 years 

50 years

50 years


28 years 

80 years

80 years

  1. For all ages, risk commences from the date of inception of the contract

Customize your cover with these riders

Riders in insurance have an important part in contingency planning. A ULIP is incomplete without them.
  • icon

    HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider – Linked

    UIN: 101A038V01

    A Linked, Non-Participating Pure Risk Premium, Individual Life rider where you can get additional income benefits over and above your Sum Assured in the event of total permanent disability due to an accident.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Protect Plus Rider – Linked

    UIN: 101A037V01

    A Linked, Non-Participating Pure Risk Premium, Individual Life/Health rider where you can get protected with a proportion of Rider Sum Assured in case of accidental death or partial/total disability due to accident or diagnosed with Cancer.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Health Plus Rider – Linked

    UIN: 101A034V01

    A Linked, Non- Participating, Individual Pure risk premium, Life / Health Rider where you can get Waiver of Premium for the base policy premium and Premium(s) of any other additional riders, in case of death, disability or diagnosis of any listed critical illnesses of the Rider Life Assured. Enjoy continued policy benefits even in case of life's eventualities.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Waiver of Premium Rider – Linked

    UIN: 101A035V01

    A Linked, Non- Participating, Savings/Pure risk premium, Individual Health Rider where you can get Lump Sum benefit equivalent to Rider Sum Assured on diagnosis of any of the covered 60 Critical Illnesses or benefit as a proportionate of the Rider Sum Assured on diagnosis of Early Stage Cancer / Major Cancer depending on the plan option chosen.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ll tell you everything you need to know about HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus

1 What is HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus?

HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus is a Unit Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Plan that comes with Four plan options - Classic Benefit (Life Option), Classic Benefit (Extra Life Option), Classic Plus Benefit, Classic Waiver Benefit, Classic Waiver Plus Benefit.

2 What are the various fund options available in this plan?

1. Equity Plus Fund (ULIF05301/08/13EquityPlus101)

2. Diversified Equity Fund (ULIF05501/08/13DivrEqtyFd101)

3. Blue Chip Fund (ULIF03501/01/10BlueChipFd101)

4. Opportunities Fund (ULIF03601/01/10OpprtntyFd101)

5. Balanced Fund (ULIF03901/09/10BalancedFd101)

6. Bond Fund (ULIF05601/08/13Bond Funds101)

7. Discovery Fund (ULIF06618/01/18DiscvryFnd101)

8. Equity Advantage Fund (ULIF06723/03/18EqtyAdvtFd101)

9. Flexi Cap Fund (ULIF07114/07/23FlexiCapFd101)

10. Dynamic Advantage fund (ULIF08028/02/25DynamicFnd101)

3 What are the charges under this plan?

The charges under this plan include Premium Allocation Charge, Policy Administration Charge, Fund Management Charge, Mortality Charge, Switching Charge, Partial Withdrawal Charge, Surrender or Discontinuance Charge, Miscellaneous Charge and Return of Mortality Charge (ROMC)

4 Where is the premium amount invested?

HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus gives you option of 10 different Funds to invest your money. Each fund has its own Investment policy, based on asset allocation between equity, debt and money market instruments. You can invest in a combination of funds by allocating your fund between different fund options. Also, you can switch between funds using fund switch option at any time without any charge.

5 What is the settlement option?

The Policyholder has the option to take the Maturity benefit in periodical installments over a period, which may extend to 5 years, first installment payable on the maturity date.

6 Do I get any benefit on Survival?

On survival of the Life Assured till the end of the Policy Term (maturity) under all options, the Life Assured will receive the Fund Value as a Lump Sum benefit.

7 How is Fund Value calculated?

Fund Value will be calculated by multiplying balance Units in your fund(s) by the then prevailing Unit Price(s).

8 Is there an option for partial withdrawal in case I am in need of funds?

You can withdraw money from your Funds to meet any future financial emergencies. Lump Sum partial withdrawals can be made from your funds after 5 complete policy years, provided the Life Assured is at least 18 years of age.

9 Can I surrender this policy?

Yes, you can Surrender your policy subject to lock in period of 5 years. Once you surrender your policy, your risk cover will cease and surrender benefit will be paid out depending upon the year in which the policy is surrendered. Please refer to product brochure for more details.

10 Is there a loan facility in my policy?

No policy loans are available for this product.

11 Can I save tax by investing in this policy?

Premium(s) paid by an individual or HUF under this plan are eligible for tax benefits2 under Act, subject to the conditions/ limits specified therein. Under Section 10 (10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the benefits received from this policy are exempt from tax, subject to the conditions specified therein.

The Unit Linked Insurance products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholders will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in Unit Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of fifth year.

HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus ( UIN No : 101L180V01 )is A Unit Linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings Plan. HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider – Linked (UIN: 101A038V01) is a Linked, Non-Participating Pure Risk Premium, Individual Life Rider. HDFC Life Protect Plus Rider – Linked (UIN: 101A037V01) is a Linked, Non-Participating Pure Risk Premium, Individual Life/Health Rider. HDFC Life Health Plus Rider – Linked (UIN: 101A034V01) is a Linked, Non-Participating Savings/Pure Risk Premium, Individual Health Rider. HDFC Life Waiver of Premium Rider – Linked (UIN: 101A035V01) - A Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Pure Risk Premium, Life / Health Rider. Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions. HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited is only the name of the Insurance Company, HDFC Life is only the name of the brand and HDFC Life Sampoorn Nivesh Plus (UIN No : 101L180V01 ) is only the name of the unit linked life insurance contract. The name of the company, name of the brand and name of the contract does not in any way indicate the quality of the contract, its future prospects or returns. Please know the associated risks and the applicable charges, from your Insurance agent or the Intermediary or policy document of the insurer. The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these plans, their future prospects and returns.

Life insurance coverage is available in this product.

For more details on risk factors, associated terms and conditions and exclusions please read sales brochure carefully.


  1. On paying a higher premium amount. Available for premium of 1 lakh & above for limited & regular premium payment options and 10 lakhs & above for single premium payment option
  2. Tax Benefits may be available as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended from time to time. You are requested to consult your tax advisor for advice on Tax Benefits.

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