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How to Retire Early Using the F.I.R.E Method?

August 29, 2023


In your parents’ and grandparents’ generation, the official retirement age was typically 60 years. However, over time, the concept of early retirement has gained popularity. Today, many millennials dream of retiring by the age of 50 or even 40. If early retirement is a target that you also have on your radar, you need a reliable strategy to help you realize this goal. The F.I.R.E method is one such popular strategy.

What is the F.I.R.E method?

F.I.R.E is an acronym for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”. True to its name, the F.I.R.E method aims to help you achieve financial independence, so you can retire early and lead a comfortable lifestyle. This method has grown into a movement that rapidly gained popularity in recent years, primarily among young professionals and individuals who seek financial freedom and pursue the goal of early retirement.

The F.I.R.E method revolves around saving a significant portion of your income and living a frugal lifestyle during your working years. This, in turn, helps you accumulate enough savings and investments to support the lifestyle you desire post-retirement. The goal of this method is to ensure that your passive income from investments like stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets covers all of your expenses and allows you to retire early.

It focuses on the following principles:

  • Aggressive savings
  • Investing wisely
  • Frugal living
  • Financial independence

How to retire early using the F.I.R.E method?

To retire early using the F.I.R.E method, you need to implement a combination of financial strategies and lifestyle choices. Here are some such steps to consider to achieve this goal.

  • Set clear financial goals
    Start off by determining your target retirement age and the amount of money you need to accumulate to support your post-retirement lifestyle. You can make use of free online F.I.R.E calculators for this purpose. Ensure that you include a realistic inflation rate when you calculate the amount you need to save up.
  • Track your expenses
    Create a strict budget and track every rupee you earn. Identify discretionary expenses and aim to cut these down entirely, so you can redirect the money saved for your future. The goal of this exercise is to lead a frugal lifestyle today, so you can save up every possible rupee and retire early instead of waiting till you are 60 years or older.
  • Maximize savings and investments
    You need to save and invest aggressively if you want to achieve the goal of early retirement. Ideally, you must aim to save 50% of your earnings or more each month. You can redirect a significant portion of your savings to investment options like mutual funds, equity, gold and real estate. There are also various pension plans in India that can help you set up a steady source of post-retirement income.
  • Opt for Retirement- Pension Plans.
    If you are a cautious investor, and willing to save for your golden years then, retirement and pension plans can be a go to option for you. These plans provide several benefits like life coverage during the vesting period, tax benefits1, and guaranteed2 income throughout your lifetime.  
  • Increase your income
    To increase your savings and investments, it helps if you can increase your income. This can be made possible by various strategies like salary negotiations, promotions at work, and even setting a few side hustles. You can also look for opportunities to earn passive income from various sources like your financial and real estate investments.
  • Plan for financial emergencies
    Despite the most diligent financial planning, all it takes is one unexpected financial emergency to undo all the progress you may have made. These emergencies could occur in the form of an illness, a job loss or even an unforeseen but major home repair. To ensure that such contingencies do not interfere with your F.I.R.E strategy, you need to have an adequate emergency fund.
  • Monitor and adjust your progress
    The last and perhaps most important step is to review your financial situation regularly and track your progress towards your retirement goals using the F.I.R.E method. If you find any areas that require improvement, make the necessary changes in your plan, reassess your investment strategy and adjust your savings rate. You may also need to make some lifestyle changes to achieve your goals as planned.


The bottom line is that early retirement through the F.I.R.E method requires discipline, patience and a long-term perspective. It may involve making sacrifices in the present to achieve financial independence and retire early in the future. So, it is essential to evaluate your own circumstances, consult with financial professionals if needed, and make decisions that align with your goals and objectives.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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  1. Tax benefits are subject to conditions under Sections 80C, 80D, Section 10(10D) and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  2. Guaranteed Benefit is paid on survival during policy term provided all due premiums are paid during.