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Things to do after Retirement

Are you worried about what to do after retirement? Give yourself time to explore and indulge yourself in a new lifestyle. Retirement is an exciting phase of life to experience endless leisure time. Some consider post-retirement days as the beginning of a new chapter for pursuing their hobbies and interests. ...Read More

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What to do after retirement?

Things to do after Retirement?
September 18, 2024


9 Things to do after Retirement

Retirement, is often associated with leisure and relaxation, yet, might cause worry for many people. While some explore the newfound flexibility to pursue hobbies and interests, others are concerned about how to spend their time, earn money, and deal with the obstacles of aging. The article piece discusses many viewpoints on retirement and provides tips for making the most of this crucial life shift.

1. Travel

Travelling lets you experience new places and meet new people. If you want to explore the world, plan for a trip after retirement. Post-retirement is the perfect time for exploring different countries and meeting and greeting new cultures. Planning for a trip during your working years might be difficult at times. So, once you retire, decide on your travel destination based on your specific interests and preferences.

Have you always dreamt of travelling on cruises worldwide or going on a camping expedition? List down the names of places you want to see and shortlist your favourites. Travelling to new countries will let you experience new cafes, beach villas, countryside and more. This way, you can enjoy the opportunity to explore different cuisines, cultures, and more.

With a pension plan, it will be easier for you to cover travel expenses post-retirement. Thus, retirement planning is essential to meet financial needs post-retirement.

2. Pursuing Your Hobby

Retirement is an ideal time for you to explore new hobbies that you didn’t have the chance to explore. Look for activities and hobbies that meet your interests. Pursuing your hobby after retirement lets you stay productive and enjoy your leisure time to the fullest.

Many people dream of pursuing their interests only after retirement. This can be writing, crafting, painting, learning music, etc. Expressing creativity during leisure time not only creates fun but can be incredibly therapeutic.

Develop hobbies after retirement to stay calm and active and find joy in things you enjoy. Utilise your free time to explore new interests and express your creativity.

3. Life Coach/Mentor

Post-retirement, you can share your knowledge with the younger generation by being a mentor. The first and foremost step to start this journey is to identify your specific areas of interest and share them with others. This can be related to your areas of interest or hobbies you have developed after retirement.

If you are interested, search for mentorship organisations guiding individuals with career development or entrepreneurship. These programs are offered by universities, institutions, non-profit organisations, local schools, and universities. As a mentor, preaching your knowledge to others to reach new heights is the ultimate satisfaction during retirement days.

4. Tutor for Students

To stay connected with younger generations and build a strong community, choose to teach students post-retirement. Become an accomplished tutor by staying prepared and researching lessons, committing yourself to extra training and choosing subjects that interest you.

You can select academic subjects such as science and mathematics or non-academic such as cooking. Choose online or offline mode, whichever you want. Post-retirement, it will be a rewarding experience to invest your time and effort in nurturing young minds and watching them grow.

Post-retirement, utilising time for tutoring is a rewarding experience to continue with your passion for educating others. If you are willing to bring changes in the lives of students, tutoring is an ideal activity. It not only keeps your mind sharp but also helps students accomplish their educational goals.

5. Social Work/Pro Bono Work

Post-retirement, many individuals share their professional skills through social or pro bono work. This is a valuable approach to transferring knowledge and experiences to younger generations. Involve yourself in volunteering at any local NGO serving underprivileged individuals. With these organisations, you can help people by distributing food, holding events, or assisting with any administrative work.

Another alternative is volunteering at nursing homes, hospitals, or care facilities. These places need volunteers to assist the residents or provide companionship. Any retired individual is suitable for this position to support the older members of society.

6. Art

It is challenging to delve into art when you have to deal with social engagement and work. Post-retirement days are ideal for exploring interests you didn't try before. Once you retire, you are free to explore your long-desired list of priorities.

Many retirees utilise their free time to take up drawing, painting, scrapbooking, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, and more. These help relax your mind and allow you to enjoy a fulfilling experience.

Nowadays, there are many art programs at community centres, retirement homes, and art galleries available for seniors. Art classes are helpful for older adults and have several cognitive benefits. From bringing about improvements in cognitive functioning to lowering stress and promoting relaxation, art classes help retired individuals lead happy and healthier lives.

7. Lifestyle Activities

Lifestyle activities post-retirement include pottery, baking, horse riding, and others, which are known for being exciting and fun-loving. Utilise your culinary skills and start baking. Baking is great for creating works of art that loved ones will love eating.

Whether you are an amateur cook or an expert, trying your hands on baking can be a rewarding activity during retirement years. You can practise this alone or even enjoy it with your friends.

Post retirement, utilise your skills to learn new things and instil new habits. Make sure to calculate your retirement corpus to help you cover the associated costs of these activities.

8. Sports and Fitness

Balancing fitness with a full-time job is challenging. But once you retire, you will get ample time to exercise daily and focus on fitness. Create a workout routine to create a fun-filled sports and fitness time. Swimming, yoga, golf, tennis, badminton and tai chi are some of the best sports for seniors as they are both low-impact and good for the body.

Involving yourself in a particular sports team post-retirement allows you to stay physically fit while building up new connections. Playing sports in teams fosters a sense of belonging and promotes physical fitness. Create a community team with like-minded people as well.

Here are some fitness activities you should try after retirement:

  • Biking outdoors
  • Yoga
  • Brisk walk daily
  • Water aerobics or swimming
  • Weightlifting
  • Zumba or other dance classes

9. Entertainment

During retirement days, many people tend to keep their schedules full with watching movies, travelling, volunteering, or beginning a new fitness session. However, each day cannot be planned; some days must be set free for relaxation amidst the ups and downs of your post-retirement life.

Let’s explore the different forms of entertainment that might be appealing to you post-retirement:

  • Solve a puzzle
  • Read books
  • Play a fun brain game
  • Try being a film critic
  • Carry out yoga or meditation


Post-retirement is an excellent time for retired individuals to pursue hobbies, engage in social work, travel to listed destinations, and more. Start your day with a workout routine and set a list of to-do tasks for each day. By being involved in productive activities, you can balance your mental, physical, and emotional health and maintain a healthy lifestyle during retirement days.

To fulfil your post-retirement dreams smoothly, continue investing in a pension plan. Opt for a retirement plan that includes life insurance coverage to protect your loved ones, ensuring they remain financially secure even in your absence. With a life insurance-backed retirement plan, you can enjoy your activities without worry, knowing your financial future and that of your family is secure.

FAQs on What to do After Retirement

1. What can I do after retirement?

After retirement, search for new ideas to do things you never knew would be enjoyable. Alongside, you can travel to your desired destinations, pursue hobbies, teach students, be involved in social work, become a mentor or life coach, and experience several other activities.

2. How to enjoy life after retirement?

To enjoy life after retirement, you can think of some activities that include:

  • Involvement in domestic work
  • Exercise, yoga and meditation
  • Engage in social organisation
  • Involve in volunteering activities
  • Take part in creative activities such as reading, writing, etc.

3. What to do when you first retire?

After you first retire, you should arrange your money to meet financial needs in your later life. It is also essential to track down your old pensions, liquidate your investments, and try out various fun activities.

4. What is the best age to get retired?

The normal and best age to retire is typically 65 or 66 years, applicable for the majority of people. However, it still makes sense to retire earlier or in a later period, considering your financial needs and goals.

5. What to know before retiring?

Before retiring, you should prepare a complete list of savings balances, income sources, and insurance policies. Then, take care of your assets, which include antiques, jewellery, and other valued possessions.

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Author Profile Written By:
Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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