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Enhance Your Family Planning with Health Insurance Policy This World Population Day

September 27, 2018 1507

There are currently 7.6 billion people on Earth, with India alone accounting for 1.3 billion people of this figure.

Every year on July 11, World Population Day is observed to take stock of world’s growing population and to reassess our family plans and how to care for their future.

This annual assessment helps us to create awareness about the importance of family planning and take into consideration how fast the resources are depleting so as to satisfy the human needs.

While the population is increasing at an alarming pace and we cannot slow it down overnight, what we can do is plan better with regards to bearing a child and take care of birth-spacing so as secure their and our future as a parent.

Here is how you can better plan for your family

  1. Keep gap between two kids

  2. By keeping a few years gap between two kids, we reduce the risk of untimely death of new born child as the gap years help the mother to get back to normal health and restore the nutrients she lost during the initial gestation period. This will not only help the mother, but also the child as she would be able to provide sufficient nutrients to the growing child inside.

  3. Use proper contraceptives

  4. By using proper contraceptives and pills we will be able to prevent unintended pregnancies and prevent deadly sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, AIDS, etc. The use of proper contraceptives will help both the parents as sexually transmitted diseases take heavy toll on the physical health of both mother and the child.

  5. Take proper care of your health

  6. With many unplanned pregnancies and being unmindful about one’s sexual health the mother is unfit and has reduced nutrient content in her body. Such deficiency post-pregnancy can often increase the risk of producing unhealthy or disabled baby.

  7. Avoiding adolescent pregnancies

  8. Proper awareness about sexual health empowers people to take wise decision and avoid pregnancies before a woman’s body is ready to bear a child. Most of the health-related problems arise in girls below the age of 18 due to pre-mature pregnancy. Not only are these teens not prepared to take care of a kid but are physically not ready to conceive and take care of a child. Family Planning therefore helps them stay healthy and concentrate on their future planning.

There are few health insurance plans to consider for your family and child and ensuring their health is taken care of even in case of emergencies.   For more details on this, please visit https://www.hdfclife.com/health-insurance-plans

Francis Rodrigues
Written By:
Vishal Subharwal
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