What do you want to do?

Do these 6 priorities figure in your life yet?

December 16, 2023 808


So, you got your degree under your belt and landed the first dream job. A fast growing career beckons and there is often little time left to pause and take stock. Think again. Are you too caught up in the race of life to know if you are doing things right?

You are living life in the moment. With the credit card backing you all the way, a house on EMI, a new car and the next smartphone beckon you temptingly. But as someone wise said, life isn't all about acquiring possessions, but experiences. Here's a ready reckoner of what your life's priorities should be.

Family first

These are the people who are always with you, come hell or high water. So, whether you are zipping across the country for work or are too busy partying on Friday nights, remember to call up your parents regularly, have a chat with your sibling living in another city and make time to spend with your family on Sundays. Your income isn't as important to them as the laughter and affection you bring to the dining table!


If you truly care for family, you should make sure they will be well cared for, all their lives. Life has a way of throwing surprises at you and if unfortunately, you were nowhere in the picture, all those who depend on you for their needs could be stranded. The best thing you can do is opt for insurance at an early age, when you will be charged lower premiums if you are healthy and fit. There are many options you can choose from, including our online term insurance plan HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life, which offers comprehensive security and cover against three uncertainties - death, disability, and disease. Riders covering other risks such as accidents are available and can be attached to term life insurance plan to provide much wider protection to your family.

Long lasting friendships

Many friendships peter out once school and college are done. Career takes centre stage and friendships that meant the world earlier fall by the wayside. Meaningful friendships at the workplace or in our social lives often fail the test of time, because we are too busy investing in material acquisitions, be it a job, a new home or marriage. It is important to cultivate friends with patience over the years, as these are the ones that will provide you with precious memories and a shoulder when you need it!

Health and fitness

Remember, your body is going to be your one constant companion till the day you die. Isn't it then a prudent idea to nurture the body by looking after it well? Invest in a good exercise regimen, watch your diet and remember to take the annual medical tests that the doctors recommend.

Growing and learning

Becoming complacent once you have gathered up those degrees and landed a good job is easy. Life moves to auto pilot after a while, but it can be decidedly uninteresting and uninspiring if you merely stick to a routine. Wake up the child in you and keep learning and growing all your life. It could be a new skill, a new language or maybe just a hobby you always wanted to take up but didn't have time for. Stay curious, stay hungry.

Have fun!

This isn't as simple as it sounds. Most of us forget to have the simple joys of having pure fun, enjoying the everyday miracles of life and keeping aside our worries once the work day is over. Learn to enjoy little pleasures - be it a walk on the beach, a game of tennis with your buddies or get your hands dirty in your kitchen garden trying to grow tomatoes! Staying happier takes years off your face, say the experts.

In short, keeping fiscal and physical priorities in the right order doesn't just sort your life, it can actually enrich it. Go on, enjoy your life. You have got just one!

Click HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Life to know more on how our plan can help secure your future.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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