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Why HDFC Life Sanchay Plus?

A Non-Participating, Non-Linked Savings Plan that offers secure future of family and shape up a legacy for them

Why HDFC Life Sanchay Plus?
  • Life cover to protect the family's future

  • Steady retirement income with Life Long Income Option2.

  • Guaranteed1 Benefit Payouts.

  • Guaranteed Income for a fixed term of 10, 12, 25, 30 years or lifelong.

  • Tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws3.

  • Return of total premiums paid at the end of payout period4.

  • Life cover to protect the family's future

  • Steady retirement income with Life Long Income Option2.

  • Guaranteed1 Benefit Payouts.

  • Guaranteed Income for a fixed term of 10, 12, 25, 30 years or lifelong.

  • Tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws3.

  • Return of total premiums paid at the end of payout period4.

Why HDFC Life Sanchay Plus?
  1. Provided all due premiums have been paid and the policy is in force.
  2. This plan option is available if you are between the ages of 50 to 65 years.
  3. Tax benefits are subject to provisions as per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax laws are subject to changes.
  4. Applicable for life long and long term income option.
  1. Provided all due premiums have been paid and the policy is in force.
  2. This plan option is available if you are between the ages of 50 to 65 years.
  3. Tax benefits are subject to provisions as per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax laws are subject to changes.
  4. Applicable for life long and long term income option.

Your Plan. Your Benefits

Flexibility to choose your policy and premium payment terms.

Select your core objective for buying an insurance cover

  • Maturity Benefit
  • Death Benefit

Maturity Benefit

Check Eligibility Criteria

Before buying HDFC Life Sanchay Plus


Eligibility Criteria

Plan Option



Age at Entry Age (years)

Guaranteed Income

301 days


Guaranteed Maturity

301 days


Life Long Income



Long Term Income



Age at Maturity (years)

Guaranteed Income



Guaranteed Maturity



Life Long Income

55 years


Long Term Income

18 years


Minimum instalment Premium

All Options

Single Pay: Rs. 30,000

Annual: Rs. 30,000

Half yearly: Rs 15,000

Quarterly: Rs 7,500

Monthly: Rs 2,500

Maximum instalment Premium

All Options

No limit, subject to Board Approved Underwriting Policy (BAUP)

All ages mentioned above are age last birthday.
The minimum premium amounts are exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable.

1. Risk cover starts from date of commencement of policy for all lives including minors. In case of a minor life, the policy will vest on the Life Assured on attainment of age 18 years.

Sample Illustration

Before buying HDFC Life Sanchay Plus


Illustration of benefits for healthy male aged 30 years (50 years for Lifelong Income Option), who pays ₹ 1 Lac + Taxes per annum throughout the premium paying term and survives the policy term.

Plan option

Sum Assured

Death Benefit at Inception2

Policy Term (years)

Premium Paying Term (years)

Maturity Benefit (₹)

Guaranteed Maturity

₹ 1,000,000

₹ 1,250,000



₹ 22,27,460 paid as a lump sum at Maturity

Guaranteed Income

₹ 1,250,000

₹ 1,480,480



Guaranteed Income1 of ₹ 2,02,750 p.a. from 14th year to 25th year (payout period of 12 years)

Long Term Income

₹ 1,250,000

₹ 1,250,000



Guaranteed Incomeof ₹  87,000 p.a. from 12th year to 36th year (payout period of 25 years) + ₹ 10,00,000 at the end of payout period(36th year)

Life Long Income

₹ 1,050,000

₹ 1,050,000



Guaranteed Income1 of ₹ 80,250 p.a. from 12th year till age 99 years (38 years) + ₹ 10,00,000 at the end of payout period.

  1. Guaranteed Income Amount payable in arrears on annual frequency during the payout period (After the policy term).
  2. Please refer to the Benefit Illustration for year wise Death Benefit.

The premiums are excluding applicable taxes & levies.This snapshot of illustration is only for HDFC Life Sanchay Plus Plan for a healthy male life.The values shown are for illustrative purpose only. For detailed illustration, please speak to our Financial Consultant/Broker. Please refer to the product brochure for details on benefits and conditions.

The Benefits shown in the sample illustration are For Policies Bought Online.

Customise your cover with these riders

Riders in insurance have an important part in contingency planning. Top up your Saving Plan with them.
  • icon

    HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider- Non Linked

    UIN: 101B041V01

    Get additional income benefits over and above your Sum Assured in the event of total permanent disability due to an accident.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Protect Plus Rider – Non Linked

    UIN: 101B040V01

    Get protected with a proportion of Rider Sum Assured in case of accidental death or partial/total disability due to accident or diagnosed with Cancer.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Health Plus Rider - Non Linked

    UIN: 101B031V02

    Get lump sum benefit equivalent to Rider Sum Assured on diagnosis of any of the covered 60 Critical Illnesses or benefit as a proportionate of the Rider Sum Assured on diagnosis of Early Stage Cancer / Major Cancer depending on the plan option chosen.

  • icon

    HDFC Life Waiver of Premium Rider – Non Linked

    UIN: 101B032V02

    Get Waiver of Premium for the base policy premium and premiums of any other additional riders, in case of death, disability or diagnosis of any listed critical illnesses of the Rider Life Assured. Enjoy continued policy benefits even in case of life's eventualities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ll tell you everything you need to know about HDFC Life Sanchay Plus

1 What are the Plan Options available under HDFC Life Sanchay Plus?

There are four plan options available under HDFC Life Sanchay Plus:

  1. Guaranteed Maturity: This option offers a guaranteed maturity benefit payable as lump sum at the end of policy term.

  2. Guaranteed Income: This option offers a guaranteed regular income for a fixed term of 10 or 12 years.

  3. Life Long Income: This option offers guaranteed regular income up to age 99 years plus return of premium at the end of payout period.

  4. Long Term Income: This option offers guaranteed regular income for a long term of 25 or 30 years plus return of premium at the end of payout period.

2 What is the minimum - maximum Premium Paying Term and Policy Term ?


Premium Paying Term

Policy Term

Payout Period

Guaranteed Maturity

Single Pay

5 to 20 years

Maturity benefit paid as lump sum at the end of the Policy Term

5 years

10 to  20years

6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 years

12 to 20 years

Guaranteed Income


Single Pay

5 to 20 years

Maturity benefit paid as a guaranteed income for a fixed term of 10 or 12 years starting from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears.

5 years

5 to 15 years

6 years

6 to 15 years

7 years

7 to 15years

8 years

8 to 15 years

9 years

9 to 15 years

10 years

10 to 20 years

11 years

11 to 20 years

12 years

12 to 20 years

Life Long Income


Single Pay

5 to 10 years

Maturity benefit paid as a guaranteed income from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears till individual attains age 99 years.

5 years

5 to 15 years

6 years

6 to 15 years

7 years

7 to 15 years

8 years

8 to 15 years

9 years

9 to 15 years

10 years

10 to 20 years

11 years

11 to 20 years

12 years

12 to 20 years

Long Term Income

Single Pay

5 to 15 years

Maturity benefit paid as a guaranteed income for a fixed term of 25 or 30 years starting from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears.

5 years

 5 to  15 years

6 years

 6 to 15 years

7 years

7 to 15 years

8 years

8 to 15 years

9 years

9 to 15 years

10 years

 10 to 15 years

11 years

11 to 15 years

12 years

12 to 15 years

3 What is the premium frequency available under policy?

The premiums can be paid annually, half-yearly, quarterly and monthly.

4 What is the Maturity Benefit under Guaranteed Maturity option?

The Maturity benefit is equal to Sum Assured on Maturity plus accrued Guaranteed Additions.

Where, Sum Assured on Maturity shall be equal to Single Premium in case of Single Pay Policy and equal to total Annualized Premium payable under the policy during the premium payment term in case of Limited Pay Policy.

Please refer brochure for details on Guaranteed Additions.

  1. Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year excluding taxes Rider Premium(s), Underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums.
  2. Total Premiums paid means total of all the premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.

5 What is the Death Benefit under Guaranteed Maturity Option?

In case of death of Life Assured during the policy term, the Death Benefit equal to Sum Assured on Death plus Accrued Guaranteed Additions shall be payable to the Nominee.

Sum Assured on Death is the highest of:

  • 10 times the Annualized Premium1 / 1.25 times the Single Premium, or

  • 105% of Total Premium(s) paid2, or

  • Sum Assured on Maturity, or

  • an absolute amount assured to be paid on death, which is equal to the Sum Assured.

Sum Assured will be determined based on your entry age and the Annualized / Single Premium you commit to pay in a Policy Year.

Upon the payment of the death benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefits are payable.

  1. Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year excluding taxes, Rider premiums, Underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums.
  2. Total Premiums paid means total of all the premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.

6 What is the Maturity Benefit Under Guaranteed Income, Life Long Income and Long Term Income option ?

a. Guaranteed Income: This option pays you a Guaranteed Income for fixed term of 10 or 12 years starting from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears, upon payment of all due premiums and life assured surviving the policy term.

b. Life Long Income: This option pays you a Guaranteed Income up to age 99 years starting from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears and a return of premium at the end of payout period, upon payment of all due premiums and life assured surviving the policy term.

c. Long Term Income: This option pays you a Guaranteed Income for fixed term of 25 or 30 years starting from (Policy Term + 1)th year in arrears and a return of premium at the end of payout period, upon payment of all due premiums and life assured surviving the policy term.

The amount of guaranteed income^ shall be equal to the percentage of Annualized / Single Premium depending on the Premium Payment Term and Policy Term.

^An additional income is payable in case of higher premium amount, please refer to the Enhanced Benefit for High Premium Policies

7 What is the Death Benefit under Guaranteed Income, Life Long Income and Long Term Income option?

In case of death of Life Assured during the policy term, the Death Benefit equal to Sum Assured on Death shall be payable to the Nominee. 

Sum Assured on Death is the highest of:

  • 10 times the Annualized Premium1 / 1.25 times the Single Premium, or

  • 105% of Total Premium(s) paid2, or

  • Premiums paid accumulated at an interest of 5% p.a. compounded annually, or

  • Sum Assured on Maturity, or

  • an absolute amount assured to be paid on death, which is equal to the Sum Assured

Sum Assured will be determined based on your entry age and the Annualized / Single Premium you commit to pay in a Policy Year.

Sum assured on Maturity shall be present value of future payouts discounted at a rate of 9% p.a.

Upon the payment of the death benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefits are payable.

  1. Annualized Premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year excluding taxes Rider premiums, Underwriting extra premiums and loadings for modal premiums.
  2. Total Premiums paid means total of all the premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.

8 What if the death occurs during the payout period?

On death of the Life Assured during the Payout Period, the nominee shall continue receiving Guaranteed Income as per Income Payout Frequency & benefit option chosen till the end of Payout Period.

9 Can I receive lump sum under Guaranteed Income, Life Long Income and Long Term Income option during the Payout Period?

At any point of time during the Payout Period, you shall have an option to receive the future income as a lump sum, which shall be the present value of future payouts, discounted at a rate which is computed using the prevailing interest rates.

10 Is there any option where I can receive income for whole life?

Yes, Life Long Income option offers you a Guaranteed Income up to age 99 years.

11 Is there any benefit for High Premium Policies?

Yes, we also offer additional Maturity Benefit / Income Benefit for the policies with Annual / Single Premium more than Rs. 1.5 lakhs.

12 What is the frequency of Guaranteed Income payable under plan options Guaranteed Income, Life Long Income and Long Term Income?

You can choose to receive the Guaranteed Income on Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly or Monthly frequency. Please refer brochure for more details.

13 Can I change the Plan Option once chosen?

No, Plan option once chosen at inception cannot be changed throughout the policy term.

14 Can income payout frequency and premium payment frequency be changed?

Yes, changes in income payout frequency and premium payment frequency are allowed.

15 Can the plan be offered under limited underwriting?

The plan can be applied by filing in the Short Medical Questionnaire (SMQ), which may not require you to go for medicals.

16 When does the plan acquire Guaranteed Surrender value?

The policy shall acquire a Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) immediately on the payment of Single Premium and upon the payment of at least first two years’ premiums in case of a Limited/ Regular Premium Policy.

17 Do I have option to avail loan under the policy?

The policyholder can avail Loan under the policy provided the policy has acquired a surrender value and subject to terms and conditions as the Company may specify from time to time. 

18 Is there any tax benefit available under this plan?

You may be eligible for tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws under Income Tax Act, 1961. Please note tax benefits are subject to change in tax laws.

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HDFC life


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We at HDFC Life are committed to offer innovative products and services that enable individuals live a ‘Life of Pride’. For over two decades we have been providing life insurance plans - protection, pension, savings, investment, annuity and health.

1. Provided all due Premium(s) have been paid and the policy is in force.

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