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The Essential Life Kit Every Woman Needs

Essential Life Kit Every Woman
September 26, 2018

Carpenters need their toolkits, divers need their scuba gear, and women need their handbags. We may pretend that our purses are part of our fashionable ensembles, but the truth of the matter is that our handbags serve as our all-in-one toolkits.

Here’s a quick look at just some of the essentials that us women need to carry in our purses every day (apart from money, ID, and our keys, obviously):

  1. Safety Pins

    These little lifesavers can help out when you’ve popped a shirt button, got a tear in your skirt, or even if your necklace clasp has suddenly stopped working. Plus, they allow us to remove the SIM cards from our Smartphones and even poke people when they get too close for comfort.
  2. Plasters

    Of course, plasters are great when we get a paper cut or happen to scrape our knees. But, they really come into their own when we’ve got on a new pair of shoes that are waging war on the back of our heels.
  3. Hand Sanitiser

    All day long, we’re constantly coming in contact with a number of germs. The railing we need to grab to get onto the train in the morning, the door to the office, and yes, even the hands we have to shake through the day.
  4. Breath Mints

    Apart from getting rid of whatever aftertaste we have in our mouths after lunch, these cool candies help us stay awake at meetings that have bored even the doorknob to death.
  5. Hairbrush, Gloss and Eyeliner

    So maybe we don’t need a full face of makeup in the office every day. But, when we happen to swipe right during lunch and manage to set up a coffee date for an hour after work, we need these essentials with us. A quick brush out, perfect winged eyeliner, and a touch of gloss later, we’re ready to create a dazzling first impression.
  6. There is one other important essential that we need in our lives – a sound financial plan. As more and more women are choosing to live life independently, we need to ensure that we have taken measures to secure our own financial future, as well the future of those we love, including our parents, siblings, spouse and children. And, as we all know, the most important part of any sound financial plan is a good insurance policy.

    If you aren’t sure about the kind of insurance policy you should purchase, it’s a good idea to get yourself a term plan. These policies offer full life cover at fairly affordable rates. Of course, since insurance is a growing market, there are a number of term plans available for you to choose from. But, if you ask us, the one plan we’d want in our arsenal at all times is HDFC Life’sClick2Protect 3D Plus plan. Apart from providing regular life cover, which any term plan will do, this term insurance policy has 9 options, all of which offer financial protection in cases of disability and on the diagnosis of a terminal disease as well. Based on your personal lifestyle choices and your own medical history, you can pick the variant that best suits your financial needs.

    So ladies, you can choose to skip out the hairbrush, or even the sanitiser, but you absolutely cannot skip the term insurance plan – it’s the only way you can truly be sure that you’ll always be there for your family – even when you aren’t physically around anymore. To get your own term plan for your life kit, click here .

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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