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Swipe Right for Financial Planning

Swipe right for financial planning
October 26, 2023


In Unit Linked policies, the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.

Isn’t dating all about swiping left or right these days?

Of course, we wish to be swiped right more often than left. To ensure this happens, we end up uploading dapper display pictures and create stimulating bios. Now if only one could borrow some with from a stand-up comic, one would have these punch lines popping up easily. But it takes immense brainstorming to craft a witty bio. Let’s not even get to the number of filters we apply to our profile pictures!

Whoever said wooing is easy?

  • No Pain No Gain

  • We take the pains to build the perfect dating profile that is worthy of being swiped right to. And as though the pre-right swipe prep was not enough, there comes post-right swipe prep too. Here’s where Chandler’s humor, Rachel’s style, Monica’s perfection and Joey’s goofiness that we have gotten over the years comes in handy to get ourselves a date. Now that’s a lot of effort.

    The preparation that is put in at the beginning of a dating journey is massive in the hope of it being a productive endeavor. We spend substantial amount of time and sometimes even money to make our dating profiles look good.  And why not? We’re hoping to secure for ourselves the possibility of a fantastic date which may culminate into something a lot more meaningful.

    So why not also devote some time to invest in a secure future for ourselves and maybe – a partner?

  • Make the switch

  • Let’s make the switch from reading news feeds and captions to reading about good investment options that will fetch us benefits in the long run. After all we all want to take that trip to Miami right?  Just like we understand the prep that goes into our tinder profiles let’s also take a look at our financial profiles, because after all we obviously don’t want to be stuck only to Goa!

The first step: Enhance your financial profile

While looking to enhance your financial profile, a great investment option you will come across is the ULIP. Unit Linked Insurance Plan, abbreviated as ULIP, is an insurance product that assists you in enhancing your investments and accumulating wealth. Simply put, Unit Linked Investment Plans are life insurance products offering two-fold benefits.  A portion of the premium goes towards mortality charges, which is life cover. The second portion goes towards investing in funds of the policyholder’s choice.

The tax benefit being offered is cherry on the cake!

ULIPs make for great investment decisions since the policyholder is entitled to market-linked returns. Now, we love choosing everything from a variety of options so we are sure we have the best- be it our dates or our fund options and ULIPs give us just that. It offers a variety of fund options that we can choose from, just like your popular dating app.

We may swipe right to any of the fund options that suit our needs the best.

  • The funding options include the Equity plus Fund which aims at attaining a predetermined objective like beating inflation. It’s best suited for people with long term goals and those with a risk appetite.
  • Next there’s the Opportunities Fund. Now this option invests your money in companies that are anticipating growth. Here the objective is to maximize gains for you.
  • Then comes the Diversified Equity Fund which invests in companies irrespective of their size and sector. This is done in an attempt to diversify your investments across the stock market to maximize your gains.
  • The Blue Chip Fund- In this type of fund your money is invested in stocks and shares of well established companies that reflect credible track record of financial performance. It’s a great choice for someone with long term goals and risk appetite.
  • There’s also the Balanced Fund that aims to diversify your investments over fixed income instruments and stocks. It is an ideal option for anyone with medium risk appetite and who wish to have a certain degree of safety.
  • If you wish for capital safety and reasonable capital growth and prefer investments that boost income generation like bonds, fixed deposits and government securities, Income Fund is the best option for you. It is ideal for someone who is setting aside money for paying a down payment or is looking to save for education.
  • Somewhat similar to the Income Fund, there is also the Bond Fund, which again aims to invest your money into fixed income securities and is ideal for long term investments.
  • Finally there is the Conservative Fund which has investments in debt instruments or equities with a credible track record. It is an ideal option for anyone with a low risk appetite.

The variety of funding options ULIPs have to offer are nothing less attractive than the profiles we swipe right to. Click here to take a look at the funding options in detail.  

The effort that goes into building the perfect dating profile is similar to building a secure future for ourselves- they both demand time, they both demand effort and of course they both reap amazing benefits!

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ARN: ED/12/19/17049

Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Author Profile Written By:
Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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