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Guide to Save Money in the Right Way

Guide to save money in right way
September 12, 2023
Making money and making your money work for you are two separate things and each can be as challenging as the other. Often individuals are so caught up making money that they never get down to making it work for them.

Remember this - money has one purpose only - to work for you. When your money works for you, your dreams turn into reality. Your financial goals, be it retirement planning, children's education, saving for a house or a car appear a lot more achievable.

This is 4-step guide to help you find out how to make your money work for you in the best possible ways

  • Stick to your budget

    Nothing will aid you in your quest to achieve your financial goals as much as frugality or to put simply - living within your means. Buying the latest and most expensive gadget, garments, motorbikes will not only prove expensive financially, but could also cost you the ability to achieve your financial goals. A minor adjustment in your lifestyle could solve this problem - only buy what you can afford to pay and if you are paying through credit card, buy it only if you can pay the entire card bill next month. Banish debt, unless it's for an all-important purpose like buying a home and you will find there is more money to put in your retirement kitty or your child's education fund.

  • Put some money in the bank

    No matter how much you earn, make it a point to set aside a portion of your salary/earnings in a savings account. There is no point working so hard if you don't have money for yourself. Put aside a fixed sum every month and consider it as a payment to yourself.

    It is no secret that it is more convenient to build your savings through automatic/forced deductions made directly to your savings account. This will help you achieve your financial goals a lot more easily than if you have to save an amount arbitrarily by trying a different cost-saving ruse every month.

  • Invest your savings

    The money in the savings bank account ultimately needs to work for you. Invest the money in long-term investments like a savings and investment plan that will grow over time and build a corpus for retirement, your house or your child's education. Invest in long term investments because these are long-term objectives and need long-term investment solutions like equities for instance. In this way, your money works 24 hours a day, seven days a week accumulating more money with the money you already have.

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ARN: ED/12/19/17049

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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