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Not Social Media, Choose Real Life to Make an Impact

Not Social Media, Choose Real Life to Make an Impact
May 18, 2018
If you are born between 1982 and 2004, you belong to a generation that is commonly referred to as the ‘millennials’. Growing up in the 21st century when technology eclipsed everything else, millennials embraced the digital age that has slowly and steadily proved to have a rhythmical effect.

We are all familiar with that quickened heart rate we experience every time we see a notification on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. How many people liked our picture from last night? Did anybody double tap on that amazing photo of the Eiffel Tower that we posted? Has anybody left a 'Superlike' comment on that picture of the dinner we cooked? We constantly worry about getting approval from our digital friends, and this has led to us posting several important details of our lives online. We check in wherever we go, and constantly live stream trivial events like firework displays or live performances from concerts. And, while there is nothing wrong with seeking approval every once in a while, it may not be the best idea to constantly update the world wide web about your every move.

In today's environment, where social media platforms are being hacked, or our personal information is being shared with advertisers and other corporates, wouldn't it be a good idea to perhaps be careful of what exactly we're putting up for the world to see? Identity theft, computer hacking and data leaks are all very real and very serious issues that we need to be careful about. We're quick to change our passwords post a hack, and are constantly coming up with mind-numbing uppercase, lowercase and special character combinations to make our passwords truly  'unhackable'. So, if we're doing our little bit to protect our lives from digital attacks, shouldn't we do the same in real life?

By choosing to purchase a life or medical insurance policy, we are making the prudent decision to protect our financial future as well as the financial future of our loved ones if something were to go awry. By paying a small premium every year, you can purchase peace of mind and a safety net for your loved ones - doesn't that sound better than simply changing your password or praying nobody hacks your account?

Unlike social media, life insurance requires validation only from you. It accepts your true identity and gives you an opportunity to build a safety net that promises to protect the people you love, even after you no longer can. But if you think that's not enough, here are a few other reasons why you should buy life insurance:

1. Tax Benefits: If you are a policyholder, then irrespective of the type of life insurance you may hold, you can avail tax deductions. 

2. Business Security: Some life insurance policies allow you to insure your business too. This enables your business partner to buy the share of the company in case of a sudden demise.

3. Financial Cushion: If the bread earner of the family passes away, the insured money gives the family financial support.

4. Customisable Options: Life insurance doesn't work on a principle that suggests one size fits all. There are various types of insurances that give people a chance to select a policy that suits their lifestyle.

Despite growing up as digital natives, millennials forget to take advantage of all the information that can help them safeguard their future. Therefore, before you take a step further in either your real life or digital life, ensure that you know how to protect yourself from the unpredictable.

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Author Profile Written By:
Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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