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HDFC Life Click2Protect 3D Plus - The Term Plan You Didn't Know You Needed

HDFC Life Click2Protect 3D Plus - The Term Plan You Didn't Know You Needed
September 19, 2018


Offering basic life cover to individuals for a stipulated time period, term plans are the most affordable life insurance products available in the market today. Essentially, a term plan will pay a lump sum amount to the insured person’s nominee, in case they were to pass away during the policy term. While most term plans only offer a death benefit, HDFC Life has come up with a term plan that offers protection against the 3 D’s of life - Death, Disability and Disease.

Why You Need This Plan?

While any other term plan will offer you a death benefit, and the option to choose whether your nominees should receive the sum assured as a lump sum payment or in monthly instalments, HDFC Life’s 3D Plus plan offers cover against disability and diseases as well. The plan is also customisable, as it comes in 9 plan options, allowing you to secure your family’s financial future when you are no longer able to do so.

Plan Variants:

Individuals who secure their family’s future under this term insurance plan can choose 1 of 9 plan variants. Under each variant, the kind of benefits offered on death, accidental disability and the diagnosis of diseases are different. Let’s look at what these 9 variants are:

  1. Life Option
  2. Extra Life Option
  3. Life Long Protection Option
  4. Income Option
  5. Income Replacement Option
  6. Extra Life Income Option
  7. 3D Life Option
  8. 3D Life Long Protection Option
  9. Return of Premium Option

Plan Benefits:

Each of the plans offer numerous benefits, but let’s look at the most important ones:

  1. No matter which plan variant you choose, if an accident renders the insured individual permanently disabled, all future premiums of the policy are waived off. However, the policy will continue until the end of the predetermined term.
  2. Under the Life, Extra Life, and 3D Life options, the total sum assured will be paid to the insured party’s nominee as a lump sum payment in the event of their death or if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness. Following this, the policy will be terminated.
  3. If the death of the insured individual is caused by an accident, then under the Extra Life option, the nominee will also receive the Extra Life Sum Assured amount that the insured individual would have chosen at the time of purchasing the policy.
  4. The 3D Life option offers complete cover from disease. If the insured individual is diagnosed with a critical illness, then all future premium payments are waived off, while the policy continues to remain in effect.
  5. Under the Income and Extra Life Income options, on the death or the diagnosis of a terminal illness of the insured individual, the sum assured is provided to the nominee along with a fixed income amount that is paid out monthly for a predetermined period of time.
  6. If the insured individual chooses the Income Replacement option, then the nominees will receive 12 times the increased monthly income as a lump sum payment in addition to the increasing income that will be paid till the end of the policy term.
  7. The Return of Premium plan variant is the only option that offers a maturity benefit. If the insured party survives the policy term, then all the premiums that were paid to maintain the policy are returned to the individual, following which the policy expires.
  8. The policy has a unique Life Stage Protection feature, allowing the insured individual to increase their sum assured at significant stages in their life, such as when they get married, or when they welcome a child.

The HDFC Life Advantage:

By providing a policy that offers protection in cases of death, disease and disability, HDFC Life provides individuals with a single, comprehensive term plan. So, if you’re ready to protect the future of your loved ones with this term plan all you need to do is click here.

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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