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10 Crore Term Insurance

When should you purchase a Rs. 10 crore term plan? What's the right time to get a policy? When dealing with term life insurance plan, the earlier you plan, the better. Let's see how a Rs. 10 crore policy can support your family financially through a difficult time. These plans provide a payout of Rs. 10 crores if something happens to you, providing your family with financial stability when they need it most.

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Why Do I Need Rs 10 Crore Term Insurance?

10 Crore Term Insurance
January 04, 2025


Every sound financial plan includes at least one term policy. Term plans are pure life insurance products, offering high sum assured amounts at very low premiums. These policies do not provide additional maturity benefits or rewards. However, they provide your loved ones with financial stability at a distressing time. Let’s better understand the importance of a Rs. 10 cr term insurance plan and how it could help your family’s financial future.

What Is a Rs. 10 Crore Term Insurance?

A 10-crore term policy provides a payout of Rs. 10 crores to the beneficiary if anything happens to the policyholder during the policy tenure. Individuals may opt for a high sum assured to battle inflation and ensure their loved ones enjoy a secure financial future.

Why Buy Rs. 10 Crore Term Insurance?

When you get term insurance, you must select the correct sum assured amount. An unnecessarily high sum assured will lead to costly premiums and unnecessary strain on your finances. Most people recommend opting for a sum assured that is equal to your outstanding debts, future liabilities and at least ten times your current income. A Rs. 20 cr term insurance policy will help individuals who currently earn around Rs. 50 lakhs or more per year. The amount will help replace their lost income, pay off debts and safeguard their family’s financial future.

Why Sum Assured is an Important Factor When it Comes to Term Insurance?

Choosing the right sum assured in your term insurance plans is essential for your family's financial security. This sum provides crucial protection in case of unexpected events, giving you peace of mind. A higher sum ensures your loved ones are well-supported, covering debts, education costs, and income replacement. Selecting the right amount is key to ensuring their future is secure. To explore the best term life insurance options and find the ideal sum assured for your needs, click the tabs below.

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How Does a Rs. 10 Crore Term Plan Work?

Let’s look at how term policies work. Shraddha, a young woman in her early 30s, wants to purchase term insurance. She currently earns Rs. 50 lakhs per year. She is engaged and wants to have children soon. She also hopes to buy her own home to raise her kids. Considering she will likely take a home loan, she opts for a term plan worth Rs. 10 crores for 30 years. She gets married, welcomes two children, and takes a loan worth Rs. 50 lakhs to buy their dream home. If anything happens to Shraddha during the policy tenure, her family receives a payout of Rs. 10 crores. This amount will help her husband pay off the outstanding home loan, and he can use some of the funds to maintain their standard of living while also considering how much term insurance do I need to secure their future and fund their children’s higher education or help them start their own businesses.

What Are the Benefits of Rs. 10 Crore Term Insurance?

Purchasing a term policy worth Rs. 10 crores allows you to enjoy:

  • High coverage at affordable premiums
  • Premium payment flexibility
  • Add-ons allow you to tailor plan to meet your specific requirements.
  • Enjoy Tax benefits under Income Tax Act^^
  • Financially security your families future.

How to Choose the Right Rs. 10 Crore Term Insurance Plan?

To identify the ideal term plan for your needs, consider the following crucial details before buying a policy.

  • Premiums

    Term policies are popular since they provide high coverage at affordable rates. Always compare the premiums various term insurance providers offer to ensure you get the best deal.

  • Death Claim Settlement Ratio

    The IRDAI regularly provides updates about the death claim settlement ratio of various insurance companies. The higher the death claim settlement ratio, the better.

  • Add-ons

    Always check the add-ons that various insurance companies offer. You could boost your coverage and enhance your family’s financial future with the riders that meet your lifestyle needs.


In Conclusion, a Rs. 10 crore term insurance plan offers comprehensive financial protection for your family, especially for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). This plan provides high coverage at affordable premiums, ensuring your loved ones are financially secure, regardless of where you reside. With flexible premium payment options, term insurance for NRIs is a smart choice for long-term financial planning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the eligibility criteria to purchase a Rs. 10 crore term plan?

A: Insurance companies may have minimum income requirements for term plans that offer high life coverage. As part of the term insurance eligibility criteria, you should check each company's requirements for plans worth Rs. 10 crores.

Q: What is the premium amount for a term plan offering coverage of Rs. 10 crore?

A: Apart from the sum assured, the policy tenure, your lifestyle, age, health and income impact the premium. You can use a term insurance calculator to understand the approximate premium amount.

Q: What happens if I survive the policy tenure?

A: Term plans do not provide any payouts on maturity. However, insurance companies today offer Return of Premium plan variants. If you select this, you receive a payout equal to your premiums paid on maturity.

Q: How can I purchase a Rs. 10 crore term plan?

A: Individuals who have calculated their human life value or HLV and require a term plan worth Rs. 10 crore can visit the HDFC Life website to get the required policy.

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Author Profile Written By:
Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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We at HDFC Life are committed to offer innovative products and services that enable individuals live a ‘Life of Pride’. For over two decades we have been providing life insurance plans - protection, pension, savings, investment, annuity and health.

@As per integrated annual report FY23-24, available on As of May 2024

^ Available under Life & Life Plus plan options

#Provided we have received all the relevant and required documents and no further investigation is required. Claim settlement process would be completed within stipulated timelines once the claim request is approved

##Individual claim settlement ratio by number of policies as per audited annual statistics for FY 23-24

^^As per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.

***Online Premium for Life Option for HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Super (UIN: 101N145V07), Male Life Assured, Non-Smoker, 20 years of age, Policy term of 25 years, Regular pay, Annual frequency, exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable. (Monthly Premium of 622/30=20.7).

**7% online discount available on 1st year premium only

~Tax benefits of ₹ 54,600 (₹ 46,800 u/s 80C & ₹ 7,800 u/s 80D) is calculated at highest tax slab rate of 30% on life insurance premium u/s 80C of ₹ 1,50,000 and health premium (Critical illness rider) u/s 80D of ₹ 25,000. Tax benefits are subject to conditions under section 80C, 80D, 10(10D) as per Income Tax Act, 1961. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.

**** Online Premium for Life Option, Male Life Assured, Non-Smoker, 20 years of age, Policy term of 40 years, Regular pay, Monthly frequency, exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable.  (Monthly premium of Rs. 5109 and daily premium of Rs. 170)

*Online Premium for Life Option, Male Life Assured, Non-Smoker, 20 years of age, Policy term of 40 years, Regular pay, Monthly frequency, exclusive of taxes and levies as applicable.