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Term Insurance FAQs


Term insurance offers financial protection to your loved ones in case of an unforeseen event. It provides high coverage at affordable premiums, ensuring your family’s financial stability even in your absence. Here, are a few frequently asked questions to help you understand term insurance better.

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FAQs About Term Insurance

Here’s a list of FAQs about term insurance

1 Do term insurance plans have investment value?

No, most term insurance plans do not offer any investment value. They offer life coverage with death benefits if the policyholder suddenly dies during the tenure. If the policyholder survives during the policy term, unlike ULIP or endowment plans, there are no maturity benefits.

2 Is term insurance good?

Whether term insurance is good depends on individual needs. In general, term insurance is a good financial instrument to purchase as it ensures financial stability for a family during unfortunate events. These affordable plans come with life coverage with low premium amounts.

3 What is the biggest advantage of term insurance?

One of the biggest advantages of term insurance is the financial security it provides to your near and dear ones in the unfortunate event of your demise during the policy tenure. These plans also provide life-long coverage with options of coverage till the age of 99 years.

4 What is term insurance?

Term insurance is a simpler form of life insurance product that provides financial protection through a large life coverage at comparatively low rates of premium. If there is a sudden demise of the policyholder during the policy tenure, it is the nominee or beneficiary who receives the life coverage.

ARN: DM/03/25/22270