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Telemedical Checkups: A Modern Approach to Term Insurance

January 08, 2024


Our fast-paced world has made everything, including insurance, more convenient. Previously, insurance companies would request physical medical checkups before issuing a term plan. Today, individuals looking to purchase term insurance can get their policy without a full checkup. Instead, many insurance companies offer telemedical checkups, on the basis of which they issue the policy. Let’s explore the significance of telemedical checkups and understand why they are becoming increasingly popular.

What Is Term Insurance?

Before going any further, let’s better understand term insurance policies. These plans offer life insurance coverage for a specific tenure or term. Term policies help you secure your family’s future against life’s uncertainties.

What Is a Telemedical Checkup?

Telemedicine is a term coined by combining telecommunications and medicine. It refers to remote diagnosis and treatment of patients through various communication tools like video calls, phone calls, or even emails. Telemedical checkups are an essential part of the insurance world today. They offer a secure and efficient way to assess a policyholder’s health status without in-person medical examinations.

Why Do Individuals Need a Term Insurance Medical Checkup?

Medical checkups for term plans help insurance companies determine a policyholder’s eligibility and premium rates. Insurance companies use these examinations to assess an individual’s health condition. Their medical background directly impacts the insurance policy’s terms and costs. These checks help insurance providers mitigate their risks and make informed decisions about underwriting a policy.

Without proper medical checks, an insurance company may rely solely on self-disclosed information from the policyholder. Telemedical checkups ask directed questions to ensure they receive all the required health data from the individual. Through the conversation, they ensure that insurers receive accurate and up-to-date information.

What Happens During a Medical Checkup?

A standard medical checkup for term insurance typically includes a range of tests and evaluations. These tests often encompass blood pressure readings, cholesterol levels, glucose levels, body mass index (BMI), and other health-related measurements. Additionally, insurance companies will evaluate the individual’s medical history, lifestyle choices, and family medical history.

The tests help identify any pre-existing health conditions or potential risks that may affect the policyholder’s ability to make a claim in the future. It’s important to note that the specific tests and their comprehensiveness may vary from one insurance provider to another.

How do Telemedical Checkups in Insurance Work?

Telemedical checkups have simplified the process of getting insured. Instead of scheduling an appointment and visiting a medical facility, policyholders can now complete medical evaluations from their homes. Here’s how it works:

  • Scheduling

    After purchasing a term insurance policy, the policyholder will receive instructions on scheduling their telemedical checkup. It usually involves setting a convenient time for a video call or phone consultation with a licensed medical professional.
  • Virtual Consultation

    During the telemedical checkup, the policyholder will discuss their medical history, lifestyle, and current conditions with the medical professional. The professional may guide the policyholder through self-conducted tests or request that they visit a local clinic for specific examinations.
  • Results and Evaluation

    The insurance company then analyses the data and uses it to determine the policyholder’s health and assess the risk. Based on this information, the company decides on the policy terms and premium rates.
  • Policy Issuance

    If the policyholder is deemed eligible, the insurance company will issue the term insurance policy with the agreed-upon terms and premium rates.

Are Telemedical Checkups Helpful for NRIs?

Telemedical checkups are particularly advantageous for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). NRIs often face challenges while undergoing medical checkups for insurance purposes. They may not be physically present in India or have limited access to local medical facilities.

With telemedical checkups, NRIs can efficiently complete the necessary health assessments while residing outside India. The convenience eliminates the need for extensive travel. It also helps NRIs secure term insurance coverage to protect their loved ones in India.

The Importance of Term Insurance

Term insurance offers a secure way to provide financial protection for your family in case of an unfortunate event. Here are some compelling reasons why you need term insurance:

  • Financial Security

    Term insurance provides your loved ones with a financial safety net. In the event of your untimely demise, your beneficiaries receive the sum assured payout. The amount could help them cover living expenses, outstanding debts, and future financial goals.
  • Affordability

    Term insurance is one of the most cost-effective insurance options. You can secure a substantial amount of coverage for a relatively low premium.
  • Customisable Coverage

    You can choose the policy term and sum assured based on your unique financial needs. Additionally, you can enhance your policy with riders.
  • Tax Benefits

    Term insurance policies offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act 1961*, making it a tax-efficient investment.
    Telemedical checkups for term insurance are a game-changer in the insurance industry. They make getting insured more convenient and accessible, particularly for NRIs. By undergoing these remote medical assessments, policyholders can secure their family’s financial future while enjoying the benefits of term insurance.

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Francis Rodrigues
Written By:
Vishal Subharwal
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* Tax benefits are subject to conditions under Sections 80C, & Section 10(10D) and other provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax Laws are subject to change from time to time.