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Why is a Cardiac Care Plan a boon for Heart Patients

April 08, 2019 1560

These days, the rising costs of medical care and any health-related contingency has risen to a considerable level. This is one of parameters why health insurance has become a must-have for everybody in India. A health insurance plan comes with extensive coverage against all kinds of health issues and offers significant cost blanket cover during any such issues. This ensures that all the costs related to hospitalization, doctor's visits, medical consultation, nursing fee, ambulance, accommodation and lodging etc. is covered under a single platform. A health insurance policy ensures that your savings corpus is retained and no money meant for any essential life goal is spent towards the incurred costs of a health-related emergency. However, when it comes to specific diseases or disorders like heart-health or any existing heart disorder, the coverage offered by a standard health-insurance plan fails to suffice. One of the most important reasons for this is that generally, insurance providers do not offer coverage benefits if the potential customer is already suffering from any pre-existing condition.

In case of the existence of a pre-existence condition like a heart disorder or related issues, the risk of the incidence or recurrence of the disease is very high and therefore, such customers come in the category of high-risk and vulnerable groups. This is the reason that most of the insurance providers do not offer any coverage for pre-existing conditions. In fact, most of these insurance providers may even withdraw the existing benefits of the plan in the event of detect ion of any such condition after the policy has been purchased.So, what this mean for customers who are already suffering from such conditions? For such patients, a disease-specific policy like a cardiac care plan comes to the rescue. The main benefit of specific plan is that a specific plan offers directed and pointed benefits that are ultimately relevant to the points of coverage required by the patient and her/his family. What this means is that a cardiac care plan provides specific benefits that work best for the financial security and safety of the policy holders family and their finances.

The main benefits offered by a cardiac care policy for heart patients include the following:

  1. Coverage against pre-existing heart conditions:

    Unlike the general health insurance cover, a cardiac care policy works directly towards ensuring that the benefits of the plan are disbursed towards the diagnosis. Treatment and the ultimate recuperation form the disease. This ensures that there is complete financial protection at all times and against all kinds of risks.
  2. Limited waiting period:

    Certain insurance providers may offer the coverage of a health care plan against a long waiting period. What this means is that after purchasing the policy, the policy holder may have to wait for a considerable duration before she/he is eligible for claiming the benefits. However, this is not so with a cardiac care policy as the waiting period is quite short and the eligibility for claiming the benefits is decided on a priority basis.
  3. The benefit of pointed benefits:

    A cardiac care policy offers extensive and pointed coverage against any heart-related emergency and as such, apart from the general coverage clauses as may be included in a general health insurance scheme, there are various specific benefits that are directly relevant for the heart patients.

HDFC Life offers HDFC Life Cardiac Care a heart-specific plan that offers comprehensive benefits in the event of occurrence of any heart-related contingency. For details, click on the mentioned link: https://www.hdfclife.com/health-insurance-plans/cardiac-care


Francis Rodrigues
Written By:
Vishal Subharwal
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