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Behind the Journey - Rufus D’Souza

January 11, 2024


For over 52 years, Rufus D’Souza has coached over 2000 children. Being a former football and hockey player himself, his goal today is to teach children and provide them the same opportunity that he once had as a kid. 

Starting Young

Rufus got a chance to play professionally at the age of 14. This was when he was chosen to play for the Youngster’s Football Club. Since then, he has played and excelled in the games of football and hockey. 

Today, he coaches other children who love this game. He says that since he was once like them, he wanted other children to play the game they love. 

To make this dream a reality, he first had to ensure he gave himself a financially secure future. For him, this has happened through financial planning. He started his journey to attain financial freedom when he started working at a bank at a fairly young age. 

Rufus believes that financial planning takes centre stage when you have time-bound goals to achieve. An investment strategy needs to be created based on those goals so that you, too, can make them come true when the time comes. 

Discipline is the key

Any athlete will tell you that you must follow a disciplined approach to the game to succeed. Rufus followed this mantra when it came to football as well as his life. 

Without a disciplined approach, you cannot achieve your dreams. A disciplined approach to the sport he loved and in his finances gave Rufus a chance to play at the national level. 

Following the same mantra, he slowly built a financial nest for himself through systematic planning. He invested slowly and steadily to grow wealth and achieve his dream. 

Financial planning is about keeping your eye on the goal. Once you know what needs to be achieved, you must create a plan and find the right tools to fulfil your financial dreams while growing your wealth. 

Today, Rufus is fondly known as ‘Football Uncle’. He trains hundreds of kids for free. This has been possible for him because he first planned to be financially secure. 

Financial planning helps you to fulfil your dreams and goals. You start by identifying your goal and find the tool that can help you make it come true while protecting your wealth at the same time.

Rufus is the perfect epitome of knowing dreams do come true. HDFC Life’s Behind the Journey campaign celebrates the spirit of exceptional individuals like Rufus, who realise their dreams and plan their finances with the same discipline as their passion. While the journey to get to your goal may be filled with trials and tribulations, the idea is to keep your head down and follow the path with willpower and grace.

Watch Behind the Journey of Rufuz D’souza now – 

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