What do you want to do?

July 25, 2023 985


While our worlds get busier, competitive and chaotic, we often lose sight of the bigger picture in the race for success. Every member of the family needs a healthy daily routine. In addition to a good work-life balance, regular check-ups are as important as regular vacations. So how do you care for your family's health...

Self-care is the best care

It is not just a buzzword in parenting articles and on social media. Self-care should be a mantra for parents and caregivers. A good parent leads by example. You do not have to sacrifice your needs to tend to your child. Every adult – be it the primary earner or homemaker – should incorporate self-care into his/her daily routine. You need to take out time for yourselves, and  for activities you enjoy doing most. Burnout is real. In addition to demands of life and career, parenting is stressful. With high levels of stress, you are likely to feel irritable, angry, tense and impatient. Stress can also affect our sleep and eating patterns. Sometimes, it could lead to anxiety and depression.

Our emotions and behavior have a significant effect on our children and how they behave, which is why you must look after yourself and your own needs.

Save up for a rainy day

Changing lifestyles are causing diseases with expensive and prolonged treatments. It is important to build up a fund that will help you tide over unforeseen costly medical emergencies. Investing a portion of your income regularly into systematic plans like ULIPs offered by HDFC Life's savings and investments plans can help you build a strong corpus over the years. Of course, should you never need to use this accumulated amount for medical reasons, you will have saved and grown your wealth into a substantial sum for your golden years!

The basics: Diet and exercise

It is important to create healthy habits early on. These will help you make smart choices for your family. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. Eat together as a family as often as possible. Take time eating, and chew slowly. The diet should be balanced with different types of fruit and vegetables with every meal. Restrict the number of sugary foods that your family consumes. A great diet can help your family to stay a healthy weight, improve mood, and prevent conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, and even cancer. A healthy diet should always be paired with regular exercise. Move more. Short sessions of movement throughout the day add up. Keep a food journal. Track what you eat, how much, when, and why. Keep an activity log. Track your exercise: type, time, and level.

Get outdoors, have a tech break

Too much technology can leave your family feeling empty and disconnected with the real world. Be a role model for your children. Do something active every day. Plan out family activities that include moderate exercise like walking, cycling, and even gardening. Limit TV, computer, and video game time to less than two hours per day. Try to squeeze in regular exercise, including a walk or jog, bike ride, dance party in your house! Get between 30 and 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Arrange playdates so your kids can communicate in person. Activities like these will improve your family's brain health and memory.

Have a consistent bedtime

A consistent bedtime routine is not just for kids. A regular bedtime is healthy for adults too. Getting up at the same time and going to bed at the same time is important and helps to get the body in a good rhythm.

Make checkups a routine

Regular checkups are a must. Make sure to look after your family's eyes. Go for regular comprehensive eye examinations to determine whether you need a prescription and to check for common eye diseases. Have good dental hygiene daily. Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, and floss. Reduce your family's sugar intake.

Think long term; think investment

Effective risk management is when you prepare for the worst while you are planning for the best. Investing from an early age into systematic plans makes sure that your family will be well provided for, even if something untoward should happen to you. Savings are a habit that will go a long way towards your family's financial health!

Be positive

Have healthy ways to relax, have fun, and socialise. Take a relaxing bath, spend time in nature to help reduce anxiety and stress. A positive mindset is a key to a happy life. Let your children learn from you how to have a work-life balance and manage stress.

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Francis Rodrigues
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Vishal Subharwal
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