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Why life insurance app is the next step in going cashless after the payment app

Cashless Insurance Policy
March 07, 2017

So, you have smartly turned an uncomfortable situation to your advantage. While your neighbours and friends queued up at the banks and ATMs for cash after the government’s demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, you quietly adopted a payment app. Now that you have gotten used to it so soon, you wonder why you didn’t use it earlier. Now you are even looking for other ways to go cashless.

After, communication, entertainment and online buying, managing your finances is the next important things you can do with your mobile. So, what will be your next step in your journey to “cashlessness”? We suggest a life insurance app. It will help you secure your family’s future and help manage investments better. The truth is that you will not be alone in this digital transformation of Indians.

Irreversible move to a cashless future

Even before the government’s demonetisation move, India was increasingly going cashless. In their report "Digital Payments 2020", Boston Consulting Group and Google dwelt on the digital payment trends in India. In the report, it was predicted that India is likely to grow to $500 billion* digital payment ecosystem by the year 2020. That is 15% of the India’s GDP. What’s more, it will be significantly driven by mobile phone and rising Internet penetration in India.

The report also highlighted the point that India has over 1 billion mobile subscriptions and currently ranks second globally on that parameter. Among these subscribers, approximately 240 million consumers use smart phones, which is expected to increase to 520* million by 2020. In this backdrop, it is almost certain that mobile banking and app based m-wallet would play a very significant role in the rise of digital payments thanks to the convenience and ease they offer.

The demonetisation boost

The recent government’s demonetisation move is only giving impetus to a powerful and irreversible trend that was already in existence. Even as thousands of people like you have embraced mobile payment systems, government continues to lend a helping hand in India’s rapid move to a cashless society. Recently, it waived off charges on digital transactions and allowed discounts on specific digital payments. The government is also making huge efforts to increase the usage of mobile app based payment system called UPI (Unified Payment Interface). Through this platform, government is trying to promote digital payments by seamlessly integrating all your bank accounts on your mobile phone through an app which can be used to make all kinds payments and transfers.

Of course, all this is about where the country is heading to. So, how can you stay ahead of the curve, especially now that you are using a payment app? As we suggested, you adopt a life insurance app. Take a look at the HDFC Life Insurance app and you will find know why.

How the HDFC Life App helps you

HDFC Life Insurance App helps you to buy policies and renew them. The app allows you to browse through all insurance plans which HDFC Life has to offer, understand their benefits, draw a comparison and then help you purchase it. If you have a term plan, it would help you in remembering the renewal date and ensure an effortless payment for renewal premium. On the other hand, if you have bought unit linked insurance plan (Ulips), you can track the performance of your investments by checking the NAV of your funds.

The official app by HDFC Life is updated with various new features like premium calculator, paying your renewal premiums, calculating (TPV) Total Protection Value, registering claims, accessing customer portal and monitoring NAV for funds. Thus, HDFC Life Insurance App is a one stop solution for all your life insurance needs and helps you manage investments for your family’s various financial goals too.

As the world of your finances collapses and increasingly starts residing in the cashless world of your mobile, it is only logical that your family’s financial protection and investments for the future are managed from a mobile app. The world may be your oyster, as some say, but the oyster is now in your smartphone. The future is here. Are you there to welcome it?

* https://www.bcg.com/en-in/d/press/25July2016-digital-payments-2020-making-500-billion-ecosystem-in-india-39417

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Francis Rodrigues Francis Rodrigues

Francis Rodrigues has a decade long experience in the insurance sector, and as SVP, E-Commerce and Digital Marketing, HDFC Life, manages the online sales channel, as well as digital and performance marketing. He has had hands-on experience in setting up sales channels and functional teams from scratch over a career spanning 2 decades.

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Vishal Subharwal Vishal Subharwal

Vishal Subharwal heads the Strategy, Marketing, E-Commerce, Digital Business & Sustainability initiatives at HDFC Life. He is responsible for crafting and ensuring successful implementation of the overall organisation strategy.

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